Thursday 19 February 2015

Thursday: I really should start blogging again....

....oh, but I didn't like to think of my beautiful feet and shoes being shared across the interweb with all and sundry.  The thing about me is that I am very select and am wearing a very old pair of slippers at the moment which are very girly, but unfortunately they are getting very tattered and worn.  Yes, I am a good woman and I have photographed them for your enjoyment as shown below.

Yuck!  These are the bottoms.

The front: is nothing made to last any more?

These pretty, albeit flimsy pieces of girly footwear are fine for sashaying around the bedroom in, but for heavy-duty housework?  I fear not!

Thursday 17 July 2014

Thursday: Black and White Betulas

Regular readers will be more than aware of my love for the Birkenstock brand.  So with this in mind I've purchased two additional pairs of flip flops, one in black and the other in white, both are pictured below:

The white pair look fab don't they?  Well, they will until they get grubby anyway...

I also have a deep love for the black numbers, especially as they have silver detailing on them.

If you're wondering about the nail polish, well it's a Boots Number 7 shade called Totally Teal.  I'll be doing a pedicure next week with my new lilac shade.  Respect!

Monday 30 June 2014

Monday: Birkenstock Kay Clogs With A Soft Footbed

Yes, I've talked about Birkenstocks until I'm blue in the face but I did end up buying *another* pair the other week directly from their website.  The clogs in question are a style called Kay which boast a soft footbed (i.e. an extra layer of latex under the suede insole) and I agree with the lady from QVC, it is very much like stepping onto a memory foam mattress.  I have often felt like strapping two mattresses to my feet and leaping around like Zebedee, but have fought off the urge so far.

As you can see they are a bit of a tobacco colour, also, despite being the regular width, they're fairly wide and I'm rattling around in them somewhat.

There you go - a side shot.  Actually the sole unit reminds me of Oreo biscuits.  Yum.  You will undoubtedly see the back strap which can either be positioned behind the heel or shortened and pushed back over the upper(!)  I'll let you know how comfortable they prove to be.  They do make my feet look huge though but I'm used to it, so there!

Monday 23 June 2014

Monday: You To Me Are A Series of Statistics

Yeah, I admit it, I do read the blogger stats which provide me with a list of readers broken down by country, browser and search keyword.  Why you might say?  Well, my answer's this, sometimes I feel as though I'm typing stuff and nobody's really out there.  It's an odd feeling anyway. 

Sunday 8 June 2014

Sunday: Zebra Print Tabora Papillo Birkenstocks

I think I've mentioned in the past during one of my innumerate other tedious blurbs that the cable shopping channel QVC sell Birkenstocks.  To be precise, they have special seasonal shows devoted to the comfort sandal; Nicky Lloyd, Birkenstock UK's sales manager/Chief Liaison with QVC co-presents with one of the other main anchors, waxing lyrical about how great the product is.  Quite frankly, I'm in total agreement: it is a great product, but me being me, I do have to state, as I've said many times before, that they don't stock my size and a 42 in Birkenstock equates to a size 9 apparently.  Also, despite having a relatively slender foot (well a D fitting in Clarks anyway) that the narrow fitting isn't quite right for the Duchess's feet.

Anyway, lo and behold what should turn up on a show but my very own recent purchase, you know, the Zebra print ones, namely these beauties:

I know that you've all seen a picture of them before, but you must admit that they weren't being worn by yours truly, were they? 

The style Tabora is very similar to the Mayari with the exception of being bereft of an extra buckle on the toe strap.  Thus they are slightly less adjustable.  Perfect for me though. 

They sold out on QVC apparently.  I didn't buy any.  I bought mine from a well known internet retailer, yeah Amazon, a place which stocks a size 42, thus Amazon's gain is QVC's loss.  Plus I didn't have to fork out for £4.95 P&P.  Sorted.  I crave further pairs now, it's addictive. 

Sunday 11 May 2014

Sunday: Re-sealing my Birkenstock Collection

Yes, it's Sunday and thoughts turn to re-sealing one's Birkenstock collection.  Do they?  Well, yes it's a chore, but it has to be done, so artist's paintbrush and a tub of globby cork sealant in hand I have completed the task, made sweeter by listening to part one of a documentary about the late, great Humphrey Lyttleton's early years.  This was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra, a station which hosts old and new Radio 4 programmes - I'm rather a fan of their output which I listen to whilst pootling around the house carrying out  chores.

Anyway, here's a picture of my current collection:

Actually, saying that, I do own two new pairs which are somewhere in the house - they are black Gizehs and white Mayaris respectively.  However, I'm not planning to wear them this year - I'll save them for 2015.  Maybe.  The eagle eyed amongst you will undoubtedly see that some pairs are much more worn than others - par example, the patent red Madrid single straps on the top left are very worn indeed, but can (horror of horrors) be worn with socks, as I have today because it's unseasonably cold here in Blighty.  I know that the footbeds can be cleaned using a paste made out of baking powder and water and the whole unit can be re-built by Birkenstock, but seriously what's the point when you can buy a brand new pair for a few pounds more?  Yawn.

Finally, I attach a closer picture of my new Papillio (licensed by Birkenstock) zebra print Taboras.  Now, I've never owned a pair of Papillios (meaning Butterfly in French) before, but as it was 25% off of certain styles on a popular shopping website I decided to splurge. 

Nice aren't they?  Once this darn weather warms up and the rain ceases I'll upload a picture of me wearing them for your enjoyment.  Assuming you like such things - you may not?  I could be speaking to nobody whatsoever here, merely hoping that somebody is reading the text under the numerous photographs?  I do hope not, for everybody's sake. 

Monday 5 May 2014

Bank Holiday Monday: Red Toenails and Bright Pink Betula Flipflops

Yes, the title says it all - it's currently the first of the UK May Bank Holidays.  I do appreciate them really, but I wish that they'd re-schedule one to fit that dirgey period between the end of August until Christmas when there's too much time between the end of summer until the festive season.  Anyway, the sun's pretty much out so it was pedicure time once again and my tootsies are resplendent in a shade of salsa red as pictured below:

There they are - (almost) fresh from their one hour soak in a bowl full of hot water and Radox salts earlier whilst watching the fiendishly difficult BBC4 quiz Only Connect.  Mmmm.

There they are again, in raised up in the air.  Why this makes a difference I really don't know?  Am I trying to exercise my lower abdominal muscles at the same time?  I do hope that you're enjoying the pictures of my carpet though - actually, saying that, this room is due for refurbishment in the very near future, pretty much when The Duke has completed his DIY evening course (hopefully...)

Pictured above are my new Betula flipflops purchased from an eBay store over in Germany as they don't offer my size in the UK (grrr!)  They are currently flogging them on the shopping channel QVC where they wax lyrical about their 'moulded PU sole until with integral heel cups, longitudinal arch support and toe bar'  Being me, I appreciate such things and also enjoy the non-slip nature of both the undertoe section and the moulded heel cup, of course I do, how could I not? 

Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a picture of the sole unit and here they are.  Betula and Birkenstock fanatics will undoubtedly recognise the 'bone shaped' tread which maximises the non-slip nature of this footwear.  Actually, joking aside after having both a Mother-in-law and a husband who have suffered falls in the last few years I can only commend sensible footwear.