Saturday 26 April 2014

Saturday: The sun's got its hat it must be time for seasonal footwear to emerge from their respective boxes

Last month I penned a post which stated that I wished to cease updating my blog for a while because "I think it's because I want to focus my writing on the bigger picture as there's so much more to life than feet, shoes and leg/foot coverings."  However, numbering myself along with a huge variety of people who are famous for making comebacks, examples of which are, in no particular order: Barbra Streisand, Mickey Rourke and of course, not forgetting, Noel Edmonds, I have duly returned as I have discovered, in the interregnum, that there really is nothing more to life. 

OK, that's the administration out of the way.  Shoes, feet, all that stuff, yes.  Well, I have purchased a couple of new pairs of summer sandals in the past fortnight and I'm wearing the first ones to arrive at the moment.  Guess which brand of shoe they are?  Can't?  Really?  Well, they're Birkenstocks of course!  Trawling the virtual aisles of a well-known e-retailer I found these beauties pictured below:

I was watching the QVC Birkenstock show which was broadcast a few weeks back (yes readers I recorded it and still keep it stored on my V+ box) they were selling the single-strap Madrid version of these and described the colour as a 'dress blue contrast sandal'.  Of course, as regular readers will undoubtedly know, the largest size QVC sell is an eight, which I can only imagine equates to a EU 41, so no good for me as I take a 42 regular fit (most of their pairs are the narrow footbeds characterised by the shaded footprint on the suede insole.  God, I'm even boring myself here.

Here they are without my feet in them.

...and here's a picture of the contrast soles.  Please note that they're not Louboutins as I doubt that that particular premium brand of footwear would offer a comfort sandal option. 

Finally, here are my husband, the Duke's pair of brown suede Birkenstock clogs.  I'm putting pressure on him to wear them in around the house at the moment as he'll feel the health benefits before long.