Thursday 31 October 2019

Adidas Falcon Gold Women's Kicks

I truly believe that I must have been a magpie in a previous life - if not, how on earth can I explain why I like to purchase shiny metallic accessories and shoes?  About a year ago I was nosing through the ASOS app on my phone (an app I regularly have to remove as it's far too tempting ...) and noted some gold Adidas Falcon trainers in an appealing gold and mauve colourway.  At full price - some £85 - they were too expensive, so I took a screenshot and left it there.  Fast forward and there they were in the sale, so I nabbed the last pair online (whilst on a bus London Transport fans ...)

Here's the box:

Herewith the shoes - the colourway slightly reminds me of She-Ra, Princess of Power.  Maybe I'm just a bit of an eighties geekess?  The rug is Ikea by the way - it's still very bouncy underfoot.  

Sunday 15 September 2019

Early Autumn Heatwave Tanned Feet & Morton's Toe

It's the early autumn in the UK, but we're currently experiencing some unseasonably hot weather, hence the Birkies and the flip flops are still in regular use and I pedicured my toenails and painted them with the Barry M Under The Sea range (as pictured!)

I'm still pissed off about my 'so-called' friend's comments about my Morton's Toe (for an explanation, see below, courtesy of Wikipedia)

Morton's toe

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Morton's toe
Other namesMorton's foot, Greek foot, royal toe, Turkey toe, LaMay toe, Sheppard's toe, Coup d’etoe, Viking toe, Morton's syndrome,[1] long toe, boss toe
Morton's foot comparison.svg
Dorsal surface of a right foot with Morton's toe (left image) and without (right image). The dashed line highlights joint position.
Morton's toe is the condition of a shorter first metatarsal in relation to the second metatarsal. It is a type of brachymetatarsia.[1]
The metatarsal bones behind the toes vary in relative length. For most feet, a smooth curve can be traced through the joints at the bases of the toes. But in Morton's foot, the line has to bend more sharply to go through the base of the big toe, as shown in the diagram. This is because the first metatarsal, behind the big toe, is short compared to the second metatarsal, next to it. The longer second metatarsal puts the joint at the base of the second toe (the second metatarsal-phalangeal, or MTP, joint) further forward.
If the big toe and the second toe are the same length (as measured from the MPT joint to the tip, including only the phalanges), then the second toe will protrude farther than the big toe, as shown in the photo. If the second toe is shorter than the big toe, the big toe may still protrude the furthest, or there may be little difference, as shown in the X-ray.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

So, the length of my big toe is a problem, is it?

I recently spent the day with a platonic friend who's a bloke. We used to work together a few years ago and yes, I was a whole grade his senior, mainly because I worked hard to obtain a degree and basically I am have a superior intelligent (bitchy, moi?) Plus I am much more modest.

Compared to most blokes I know he's quite metrosexual. When I think back, he used to be so cute in that kind of slender pale skinned blue eyed Irish way that I'm so fond of. However, a combination of drinking too much and living a man about town lifestyle has prematurely aged him. He adores taking selfies and posting them to social media, even though I personally believe them to be unflattering.

He seemed to be in a bit of a mood in Wetherspoons because when I mentioned that my feet proudly feature on Fetlife under my LondonDuchess profile he started saying that the length of my second toes rendered my feet ugly to him. I suppose that I have the same size feet as him, but honestly - what a thing to say!

I did retaliate by saying that the pink muscle fit Topman t-shirt he was wearing should only be donned by men with a defined physique, toned pectorals and a six pack. See how you like them apples!

After extensive Googling(!) The condition is called Morton's Toe, it is fairly common and was revered in classical cultures. It's supposed to be a sign of high intelligence and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex also shares the condition.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Post August Bank Holiday

My feet are enjoying the sun, they usually do. Please note that I have an Instagram account called (wait for it ...) nomeanfeetfortheduchess. Enjoy.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Toe and Paw

My rescue cat, Sophie, tends to sleep on the back of my sofa, hence she often lets her paws hang over the cushion.  Last week I photographed my toes next to her because I thought that they looked cute.  Do you agree?

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Fuggs - AKA Fake Uggs or Faux Sheepskin Style Boot Slippers

If you're like me and appreciate having warm feet during the winter, then I'm darn sure that you'll be sporting a pair of fake Ugg-style boots on your trotters.  I bought two pairs in a size UK 9-10 from one of the leading exponents of online fashion retailing - namely Asos, or 'As Seen On Screen' as it once called. 

As you can see, this is a snap of the older pair and it's pretty knackered and is sporting a huge hole in the toe.  They make me shuffle around the house like a gnome because they've stretched and contain absolutely no support for my feet.  Therein plantar fasciitis lurks and as my husband and mother have suffered from it and said that it feels like tiny razor blades are being inserted into the soles of your feet, it's a condition that I'll try to avoid. 

I want rid - I'll probably stick them on eBay later on in the week when I have a few minutes to spare.  I use a different account from the one I usually buy on because of all of the issues surrounding 'adult' items.  Years ago, on a previous login I had my account suspended quite a few times for listing 'inappropriate' things (shoes/socks/tights), although eBay seem to allow ladies and certain gents to sell their used undies on there ...

My jeans are Asos too and are 'slim mom jeans' - I'm a mom/mum, but I'm not slim, but I was fed up with wearing skinny jeans all of the time as I'm sure that they give people a hot crotch, which is surely a breeding ground for bad bacteria?

Sunday 20 January 2019

Don't Accidentally Boot The Sofa

Just don't, I know that I've got dyspraxia, but this is what happens. My left foot is terribly swollen.