Tuesday 29 January 2019

Fuggs - AKA Fake Uggs or Faux Sheepskin Style Boot Slippers

If you're like me and appreciate having warm feet during the winter, then I'm darn sure that you'll be sporting a pair of fake Ugg-style boots on your trotters.  I bought two pairs in a size UK 9-10 from one of the leading exponents of online fashion retailing - namely Asos, or 'As Seen On Screen' as it once called. 

As you can see, this is a snap of the older pair and it's pretty knackered and is sporting a huge hole in the toe.  They make me shuffle around the house like a gnome because they've stretched and contain absolutely no support for my feet.  Therein plantar fasciitis lurks and as my husband and mother have suffered from it and said that it feels like tiny razor blades are being inserted into the soles of your feet, it's a condition that I'll try to avoid. 

I want rid - I'll probably stick them on eBay later on in the week when I have a few minutes to spare.  I use a different account from the one I usually buy on because of all of the issues surrounding 'adult' items.  Years ago, on a previous login I had my account suspended quite a few times for listing 'inappropriate' things (shoes/socks/tights), although eBay seem to allow ladies and certain gents to sell their used undies on there ...

My jeans are Asos too and are 'slim mom jeans' - I'm a mom/mum, but I'm not slim, but I was fed up with wearing skinny jeans all of the time as I'm sure that they give people a hot crotch, which is surely a breeding ground for bad bacteria?

Sunday 20 January 2019

Don't Accidentally Boot The Sofa

Just don't, I know that I've got dyspraxia, but this is what happens. My left foot is terribly swollen.