Saturday 6 January 2018

Doc Martens Hurt My Feet

Hello again! I have decided to reinvigorate this blog.

Well, as I previously stated, they blooming do. Earlier on today I went for a nice long walk in my Doc Martens 1b99s, which I had definitely worn in last year, but no, they still ripped my poor heels to shreds. Even when worn with special double layer hiking socks:

The other two Docs pictured with my black leather 14 hole 1b99s are Flora Arcadias and Vegan 14 holes. All of my boots are conspiring against me, sob!!!


  1. wow, youre feet at beautiful!!
    I'd love to massage them to help make them feel better.
    thank you for sharing, your photos get me so... excited

  2. I adore your feet! They're beautiful! I dream of the chance to smell the inside of your shoes. Thank you so much for sharing. They get me rather, excited.

  3. Hello,

    I hope you're well. I was just wondering whether this blog's still active or whether you've abandoned your legions of foot fans? Also, are you still selling footwear on eBay?

    All the best

  4. Hello,

    I hope you're well. I was just wondering whether this blog's still active or whether you've abandoned your legions of foot fans? Also, are you still selling footwear on eBay?

    All the best

  5. Hey Superted (cool name btw!)

    I kind of dip in and out. eBay made it impossible to continue ...

    1. Thank you!

      Oh, that's rubbish of them. Would you ever sell any items privately?

      Please do revisit the blog at some point. I miss it!


    2. I must certainly would, in fact, that would be my preference.

      Will do ... am penning one now.

  6. Oh, lovely. How would I go about arranging a purchase?

  7. Please email me on:
