Showing posts with label Meghan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meghan. Show all posts

Thursday 25 October 2018

Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine

The other day I performed a manipedi on myself; I prefer attending to my own beauty regieme, well apart from cutting my own locks and going to the eyebrow threading place sporadically.  Regular readers will know that silver is one of my most favourite colours and I have the nail polish to prove it, namely:

For those without a magnifying glass, it's Rimmel 60 Seconds Super Shine in shade #808 - Your Majesty. I often wonder if HM The Queen ever gathers all of her female relations around for a pamper session in Windsor Castle one Saturday night? I for one think that it would be nice if Kate, Meghan, Sophie and Camilla joined her for a few glasses of Gin and Dubonnets (although not Megs, obvs - she'd have a warm Ribena instead). I reckon that they'd all gossip about Fergie and try to persuade Her Maj to relax the rules about wearing open toed shoes during official functions (didn't Meghan look silly wearing ballet pumps on Bondai Beach recently?) Also, Lizzie, why aren't wedges acceptable either?