Wednesday 27 November 2013

Silver Toed Wednesday

I have painted my toenails silver - the colour came courtesy of my friend who regularly buys Glamour Magazine (mainly because it's only £2 per month I'll warrant) but who am I to complain when she passes their wonderful free gifts onto me?  This month it was a Nail Inc Kate Spade special edition in Kensington Silver as the company always name their colours after London postal districts.  A while ago I received a deep purple colour, area unknown, although it was probably very expensive indeed (the area, not the polish, although retailing at £11 it's out of my price range.)

Actually, pictured in the evening it's clear that my feet swell quite a bit during the day.  That said, I do walk quite a lot and my neighbour commented earlier that I'm like Speedy Gonzalez.  That's just me, I don't tend to amble along a great deal, especially when commuting, oh dear no. 


  1. aww poor swollen feets, great silver colour though :3

  2. Thanks Brian. Are you UK or US based btw? If it's the latter some of my bizarre references will be somewhat lost on you.

  3. neither! lol I am a Canadian, I grew up with a lot of UK television shows and such and enjoy quite a few UK films and most of my music is from there one of my favourite bands much to the dismay of others are The Psychedelic Furs, so I am more familiar with some expressions than Americans would likely be confused by

  4. Cool, apologies for thinking that you were American, which I guess is akin to me being called Welsh! Yes, there are loads of popular culture crossovers, hence the 'Just For Laughs' festival and the 'Whose Line is in Anyway' guys.

  5. aww no worries my dear, yes we have quite a few crossovers, i still watch the old Are You Being Served?

  6. You should really check out one of my other blogs (for I pen loads...) it's called 'My Life in Comedy' and is available here:

  7. More silver, I see. Very fetch.

  8. I'd like to say that I currently reside in a silver house, but that would be a blatant lie.
