Monday 5 May 2014

Bank Holiday Monday: Red Toenails and Bright Pink Betula Flipflops

Yes, the title says it all - it's currently the first of the UK May Bank Holidays.  I do appreciate them really, but I wish that they'd re-schedule one to fit that dirgey period between the end of August until Christmas when there's too much time between the end of summer until the festive season.  Anyway, the sun's pretty much out so it was pedicure time once again and my tootsies are resplendent in a shade of salsa red as pictured below:

There they are - (almost) fresh from their one hour soak in a bowl full of hot water and Radox salts earlier whilst watching the fiendishly difficult BBC4 quiz Only Connect.  Mmmm.

There they are again, in raised up in the air.  Why this makes a difference I really don't know?  Am I trying to exercise my lower abdominal muscles at the same time?  I do hope that you're enjoying the pictures of my carpet though - actually, saying that, this room is due for refurbishment in the very near future, pretty much when The Duke has completed his DIY evening course (hopefully...)

Pictured above are my new Betula flipflops purchased from an eBay store over in Germany as they don't offer my size in the UK (grrr!)  They are currently flogging them on the shopping channel QVC where they wax lyrical about their 'moulded PU sole until with integral heel cups, longitudinal arch support and toe bar'  Being me, I appreciate such things and also enjoy the non-slip nature of both the undertoe section and the moulded heel cup, of course I do, how could I not? 

Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a picture of the sole unit and here they are.  Betula and Birkenstock fanatics will undoubtedly recognise the 'bone shaped' tread which maximises the non-slip nature of this footwear.  Actually, joking aside after having both a Mother-in-law and a husband who have suffered falls in the last few years I can only commend sensible footwear. 

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