Sunday 11 May 2014

Sunday: Re-sealing my Birkenstock Collection

Yes, it's Sunday and thoughts turn to re-sealing one's Birkenstock collection.  Do they?  Well, yes it's a chore, but it has to be done, so artist's paintbrush and a tub of globby cork sealant in hand I have completed the task, made sweeter by listening to part one of a documentary about the late, great Humphrey Lyttleton's early years.  This was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra, a station which hosts old and new Radio 4 programmes - I'm rather a fan of their output which I listen to whilst pootling around the house carrying out  chores.

Anyway, here's a picture of my current collection:

Actually, saying that, I do own two new pairs which are somewhere in the house - they are black Gizehs and white Mayaris respectively.  However, I'm not planning to wear them this year - I'll save them for 2015.  Maybe.  The eagle eyed amongst you will undoubtedly see that some pairs are much more worn than others - par example, the patent red Madrid single straps on the top left are very worn indeed, but can (horror of horrors) be worn with socks, as I have today because it's unseasonably cold here in Blighty.  I know that the footbeds can be cleaned using a paste made out of baking powder and water and the whole unit can be re-built by Birkenstock, but seriously what's the point when you can buy a brand new pair for a few pounds more?  Yawn.

Finally, I attach a closer picture of my new Papillio (licensed by Birkenstock) zebra print Taboras.  Now, I've never owned a pair of Papillios (meaning Butterfly in French) before, but as it was 25% off of certain styles on a popular shopping website I decided to splurge. 

Nice aren't they?  Once this darn weather warms up and the rain ceases I'll upload a picture of me wearing them for your enjoyment.  Assuming you like such things - you may not?  I could be speaking to nobody whatsoever here, merely hoping that somebody is reading the text under the numerous photographs?  I do hope not, for everybody's sake. 

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