Sunday 8 June 2014

Sunday: Zebra Print Tabora Papillo Birkenstocks

I think I've mentioned in the past during one of my innumerate other tedious blurbs that the cable shopping channel QVC sell Birkenstocks.  To be precise, they have special seasonal shows devoted to the comfort sandal; Nicky Lloyd, Birkenstock UK's sales manager/Chief Liaison with QVC co-presents with one of the other main anchors, waxing lyrical about how great the product is.  Quite frankly, I'm in total agreement: it is a great product, but me being me, I do have to state, as I've said many times before, that they don't stock my size and a 42 in Birkenstock equates to a size 9 apparently.  Also, despite having a relatively slender foot (well a D fitting in Clarks anyway) that the narrow fitting isn't quite right for the Duchess's feet.

Anyway, lo and behold what should turn up on a show but my very own recent purchase, you know, the Zebra print ones, namely these beauties:

I know that you've all seen a picture of them before, but you must admit that they weren't being worn by yours truly, were they? 

The style Tabora is very similar to the Mayari with the exception of being bereft of an extra buckle on the toe strap.  Thus they are slightly less adjustable.  Perfect for me though. 

They sold out on QVC apparently.  I didn't buy any.  I bought mine from a well known internet retailer, yeah Amazon, a place which stocks a size 42, thus Amazon's gain is QVC's loss.  Plus I didn't have to fork out for £4.95 P&P.  Sorted.  I crave further pairs now, it's addictive. 

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