Monday 31 December 2018

Doc Martens Rometty

I bought these pair of platforms in the sale, the brown leather version was half price at £70. They arrived today and I'm in two minds concerning whether to return them?  They feel comfortable, but boy they're heavy as hell (if indeed the underworld/Hades has been assigned a weight?  Maybe the combined weight of mankind's sinful souls?)

Stomp, stomp stomp - a domestic Romper Stomper if you like?

This is the website listing:

There are no reviews pertaining to either choice of colourway.  Pity.


I returned them for a full refund.


  1. Interesting that the product description markets the sole as "extra-empowering"... As empowerment we're a quality typically ascribed to soles? These are very nice, though. And impressively stacked. They must add some inches to your height.

  2. I must admit that I was suitably empowered to return them after sending a picture to a friend who said that I looked like a 'power lesbian' in them. Not that there's anything wrong in that, but they did make me 6ft 1in!
