Friday 23 November 2018

Doc Socks

Yes, it's Black Friday, a phenomenon which never really existed here in the UK until a few years ago. Have I purchased anything? No, not really. I mean I ordered some Uniqlo Ezy jeans in their sale, but even the XL was too small, so I sent them back. That said, I chose to re-order a pair of their excellent ultra stretch skinnies in black because I haven't a pair that actually fit me at the moment. It's free delivery and returns at the moment, so happy days.

Ah, Doc Socks. I bought these from Amazon I think, as I baulked at paying p&p on the official DMs site. They have internal padding located at the foot's pressure points, thereby cushioning one's plates of meat against the harsh and unyielding leather of the boots.


  1. As one might expect of a product bearing the name of the good doctor, these socks look admirably durable. Do you have to wear a boot one size above normal in order to accommodate their thickness?

    1. Ah, the Teutonic medical man, how we appreciate his legacy. Luckily for me I don't have to size up to a UK10 as Docs are pretty roomy anyway. I think that I'd cry if my feet expanded to a size ten anyway. Some Goths suggest wearing tights and socks to negate the rubbing because of the two fabrics.

  2. Too many 'anyways' in that paragraph. I must be morphing into a twenty or thirysomething YouTuber with their constant refrain of 'not gonna lie' and the liberal use of 'literally'.
