Monday 19 November 2018

She's got legs ...

... and she knows how to use them." Sang the hairy Texan rockers ZZ Top back in the 80s. I know how to use mine too and I'm choosing to cover them with leggings.

These are textured faux leather leggings which I bought from Matalan. They make a bit of a rasping sound when I rub my limbs together in the manner of a giant grasshopper.

The pair pictured above are biker style leggings and are also a Matalan product. They're really tactile and as such I keep rubbing my own legs like some kind of self-stimulating madwoman.


  1. The bikery ones make you look as though you maybe have telescopic knees.

    1. Hehe. Mind you, that would be an absolute boon during the rush hour on the Tube.
