Sunday 8 November 2020

Dunlop Wellies

 So ... it's the time of mellow fruitfulness, or whatever the Mr Kipling advert used to say. And yes, before you all write in to expose my stupidity, I am aware that it's an extract from a poem, but my A-Level English Literature put me off of that kind of thing for years. Perhaps I should persevere with Frank Skinner's Poetry Podcast? 

Anyway, as ever I digress. Last week I purchased some green Dunlop Wellington boots from Amazon so that I can stomp through the local woods and do the gardening in. I know that Hunter wellies are the fashionista choice, but they're way too expensive and even if they offer a size 9 the calf width would be far too narrow.


  1. Hello! We'll soon be free of welly weather, I hope. Spring seems like it's creeping in. These are rather dashing, though. Is that 'British Racing Green'? They look very hardy and protective. I hope you're well. x

  2. Here's hoping! My suburb is very boggy indeed. I trust that you are well too? I am currently wearing out a pair of slippers.

    1. I am reasonably alright, thanks. Got on to the PhD and am just waiting to hear the upshot of my funding bid. Fingers crossed, etc. Let me know if you ever want rid of the slippers!

    2. That's brilliant news, I cannot wait to address you as Doctor SuperTed! Will email pics xx

    3. I know; I'd be Dr Robert, just like the Beatles song! Wonderful - thank you! xx
