Saturday 26 April 2014

Saturday: The sun's got its hat it must be time for seasonal footwear to emerge from their respective boxes

Last month I penned a post which stated that I wished to cease updating my blog for a while because "I think it's because I want to focus my writing on the bigger picture as there's so much more to life than feet, shoes and leg/foot coverings."  However, numbering myself along with a huge variety of people who are famous for making comebacks, examples of which are, in no particular order: Barbra Streisand, Mickey Rourke and of course, not forgetting, Noel Edmonds, I have duly returned as I have discovered, in the interregnum, that there really is nothing more to life. 

OK, that's the administration out of the way.  Shoes, feet, all that stuff, yes.  Well, I have purchased a couple of new pairs of summer sandals in the past fortnight and I'm wearing the first ones to arrive at the moment.  Guess which brand of shoe they are?  Can't?  Really?  Well, they're Birkenstocks of course!  Trawling the virtual aisles of a well-known e-retailer I found these beauties pictured below:

I was watching the QVC Birkenstock show which was broadcast a few weeks back (yes readers I recorded it and still keep it stored on my V+ box) they were selling the single-strap Madrid version of these and described the colour as a 'dress blue contrast sandal'.  Of course, as regular readers will undoubtedly know, the largest size QVC sell is an eight, which I can only imagine equates to a EU 41, so no good for me as I take a 42 regular fit (most of their pairs are the narrow footbeds characterised by the shaded footprint on the suede insole.  God, I'm even boring myself here.

Here they are without my feet in them.

...and here's a picture of the contrast soles.  Please note that they're not Louboutins as I doubt that that particular premium brand of footwear would offer a comfort sandal option. 

Finally, here are my husband, the Duke's pair of brown suede Birkenstock clogs.  I'm putting pressure on him to wear them in around the house at the moment as he'll feel the health benefits before long. 

Saturday 22 March 2014

Saturday: Birkenstocks Are Back In Fashion - I've Come Full Circle

Last night I made the decision to take a break from penning this blog for a while; I think it's because I want to focus my writing on the bigger picture as there's so much more to life than feet, shoes and leg/foot coverings.  Anyway, this is a bit of a swansong but The Duke purchased a copy of The Times Weekend Magazine this morning and rather interestingly, there was an article about how 'Flat and Functional' is back in fashion and my favourite Birkenstocks are heading this new fad.

I have tried to replicate the article at the bottom of this post, but please be advised that I haven't got permission to reproduce this content at all as The Times' content is hidden behind a paywall these days.

So, it's all come full circle: my feelings about having big feet, excitement about finally finding a comfortable sandal through to the somewhat clumpy articles becoming 'en vogue' once again.  This therefore marks my last post for the foreseeable future.  Thank you for reading and goodbye.  For now anyway.  

Thursday 20 March 2014

Thursday: Spring Weather, Red Toes and Converse

Today feels very odd indeed because Thursday is usually one of my working days and as a result my week is fairly disjointed.  I have been out and about much more than usual - I was in Guildford on Monday, attended a friend's girlfriend's wake on Tuesday and joined a choir last night.  It's nice weather though and as a result of this, I have painted my toes a dark red, as pictured below:

I hope that you're also enjoying the shot of my brown landing carpet?  Oh you are?  How pleasant.  I think this pot of nail polish is too thick to be of any use because it keeps globbing instead of flowing.  Must see whether I can thin it using nail polish remover as I doubt that paint thinner would suffice?

I also wore my old white leather converse today, as pictured: 

I am writing this whilst listening to Kate Bush's debut album The Kick Inside as I am reading a biography about her at the moment.  I can understand her undoubted talent as a songwriter but her vocals are too high for my personal taste. 

Saturday 1 March 2014

Saturday: 10,000+ page views

Well, it's the first day of March and I guess this means that Spring has sprung; regular readers will no doubt recall that printemps is my favourite season because it brings forward so many possibilities.  To mark the change in season, the WiiFitU's graphics are now showing pink blossom on the Island of Wuhu's trees, which is nice if nothing else?

So, I have had in excess (not the band INXS, although I do recall that the remaining members participated in a reality show to find a replacement for the late Michael Hutchence at some point..) of 10,000 page views since commencing this blog back in October 2012.  Some may wonder how on earth I've managed to sustain foot, shoe and legwear chat over such a long period and the answer is, I really don't know - perhaps I'm completely obsessed?  Does anyone care?

Those of you conversant with Google Blogger will be aware that there's a statistical element to the dashboard - thus I can see sketchy details of who's logging on via country, operating system and indeed by Google search phrase - the latter often makes me smile.  Usually it's such classics as 'sexy black/red toes' or 'Birkenstock feet', perhaps 'sheer tights' or 'bunions' - yes, really.  So, in recognition of this, I'm going to give you all a visual treat - here's two of my most viewed blog posts:

Friday 28 February 2014

Friday: That Was The Week That Was [Crap]

Oh flipping hell, life's a right pain in the arse at the moment.  I didn't have a great week at work; plus the Duke's leg swelled up on Tuesday and he had to get it checked out at the GP Surgery.  If that wasn't enough the Earl's thumb developed a large greenish blister on it and the GP advised that he should be taken to the A&E so the Duke had to sit with him until my mother turned up and spent a further two hours waiting to be seen.  Yesterday the Duke held his [early] retirement do at work and I turned up at 5:45 and proceeded to get blind drunk, so much so that I vomited on the train, something I haven't done since I was about 22.  Fantastic (not) - just plain disgusting, but luckily I didn't get any on the upholstery, because that's truly awful.

Today wasn't much better, it was raining when I picked up the Earl from school and we had to detour to post off a parcel; anyway part of the pavement was cordoned off on a busy main road and instead of waiting to cross the road I thought I'd try a shortcut through a car park and re-join the path.  Big mistake: the concrete was still wet and it was like quicksand.  Here's what it did to my poor DMs:

Coated huh?  Do you think that there's a fetish for ladies boots slathered in concrete?  I won't Google it, there's bound to be, isn't there?

I did manage to get it off with a combination of the garden hose and an old dishbrush:

They are now standing in the kitchen drying out with balls of crumpled pages from the London Evening Standard absorbing all of the excess moisture.  At least it's a good use for the tabloid: don't get me wrong, I'm pleased that commuters such as me don't have to fork out 40p to peek between the covers, but it does bore me to death at times.  Sometimes I 'treat' myself on the return journey by not reading it.

Finally: the lady in the post office inquired what was in my parcel.  I said boots, which was fair enough and I know that it's to prevent dangerous items being sent via the Royal Mail, but what if it was a batch of dildos you were returning to say, Lovehoney or Ann Summers?  Embarrassing, especially if it was during the oldie stampede on pension day. 

Monday 10 February 2014

A Post Without a Picture

Yes, sorry to disappoint, but I'm not including a picture on this post.  The reason is that I've not had polish on my toes for over a week now and they're discoloured and frankly, very ugly, especially the second toe on my left foot which is quite frankly, black.  I did read that both finger and toenails require a period of time without being covered in polish so that they can breathe and repair themselves.  Maybe I'll stick some polish on them during the week?  Or perhaps I won't.

On other foot news, I did read about BBC newsreader Kate Silverton's similar size 9 shoe issues.  Here's a link to a Daily Mail article about the very subject:

Sunday 2 February 2014

Sunday afternoon/evening: February blues

Blimey, does winter ever end?  Answer: about April?  Well, I've had bronchitis for over a week now and have been off of work as a result.  I know that I'll return to inbox hell, but that's par for the course these days.  I did purchase a new pair of DM boots last Sunday which arrived in the week, but I'll hold off writing about them for the time being.

Here's a trailer/teaser shot of the box.  Enjoy.