Friday 28 June 2013

Friday: A mosey around M&S

Yes, it's Friday and boo it's bloody raining again, but luckily I'd returned from the shops before the first raindrops hit the pavement.  My stomach is really annoying me at the moment as it's massive and no, I'm not pregnant, I'm just very lardy at this present time.  Yeah, I'm going back on a diet but it's not nice as some of my jeans are cut a bit too low and I have a hangover of amorphous glutenous fat hanging around my midriff.  Anyway, I ventured into M&S this morning to spend the £5 voucher I was granted the other day which expires tomorrow.  Walking around I could not see much that I really wanted - the £9.50 cotton shorts were too skimpy - i.e. they would reach a few inches down my leg, thus exposing my un-toned upper thigh; as I already own a pair of Levi's shorts which are a similar length I could not expose the public to such sights, so I passed them by.  As for anything else, well I just couldn't be bothered to buy any more middle of the road middle aged clothing, so I plumped for these instead:

They are of course to wear under my new hot pink Clarks ballerina shoes.  I do love them so!  That is of course, that I adore my shoes, not footsies, I think you'd have to be a sadder person than me to get excited about the prospect of wearing foot hosiery. 

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