Friday 18 January 2013

Friday: snow and 1000 page views!

So far so snowy - yes, it's fluttering down outside the window and boy isn't it cold?  Brr!  Anyway, I wore my old suede Next ankle boots which have (my personal favourite) cleated soles so hopefully no slippage on the pavements.  I'm not looking forward to the snow turning to ice tonight which will turn the whole suburb into an enormous ice rink!

Today's foot news centres around the weekly Popbitch mail out and if you haven't read this wondrous e-publication, sign up now - it's fantastic so don't delay, sign up at :  

Apparently HMV staff (a large CD and DVD UK retailer which has recently gone into administration) aren't/weren't (delete as applicable) allowed to wear sandals on the shop floor.  Actually, that reminds me of a time I was called into a senior meeting and was wearing Birkenstocks at the time which were given a sour look by one of their office staff.  Oh dear!  At least I had toe nail polish on though...  Finally I can't seem to get rid of these italics today so I'll sign off, I wouldn't wish to write in this manner on a regular basis....

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