Monday 28 January 2013

Monday: better weather, dangling pumps and a busy week ahead

Good morning, well it still is technically the ante meridian in good old Blighty anyway.  Sorry for not writing a great deal these days, I feel as though I am eking everything out of this subject for the sake of it now.  I did pedicure my toes yesterday in a splendid black hue: another of my Boots No7 recent purchases.  Unfortunately, as ever it's still a bit smudgy on the edges and will take a few days to settle down, so to avoid disappointment I'll photograph them then when they're in their full glory. 

I read somewhere that it's very attractive when a woman dangles a shoe from her foot(!) so with that in mind, I've photographed this:

Obviously I cannot take it from another angle, so it's a bit odd really.  It also makes my ankle look enormous - take my word for it, I'm not build like a brick shithouse.

I'm sure this dangling thing is borne out of body language and one of my first forays into understanding all about this fascinating science was via Mizz Magazine in the late 1980s.  Mizz Magazine was great: it had it all - beauty, song lyrics, photo love stories and interesting articles.  I still miss the photo love stories as Jackie Magazine featured them too and I do believe the global superstar Hugh Grant appeared in one.

I have a busy week, loads to do and I plan to wear my green Clarks Finnis tomorrow and my patent red ones on Thursday.  Hopefully the weather's warm enough for tights....

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