Monday 8 April 2013

Monday (the very early hours of....) - insomnia, idiots and input

Bah - bloody sodding insomnia again - I really could do without this.

Anyway, if nothing else, it provides me with a platform for some right to reply, mainly at a complete berk called RS Taylor who emailed me earlier this evening via my search for a long-lost friend on Craigslist, which for me personally is a bit of an emotive subject anyway:


Me: Sun, Apr 7 at 9:16PM

I am looking for my mate, end of.
Well done for swallowing a dictionary.


RS Taylor - Sun, Apr 7 at 9:15PM

You're peddling a sexualised blog to the masses of redundant, repressed, sexually devious male internet users and you expect them to practice articulation in their responses to the progenitor of the site?
You'll be waiting a long time for that email, love. 


Me - On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 8:34 PM, 
Thanks, but be a bit more articulate in your reply though!

From: RS Taylor 
To: Me
Sent: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 7:15:09 PM

I'd f**k your feet until my dick fell off. Cool blog. 

From: Me
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 7:44 PM,

Good, it's at nomeanfeetfortheduchess - Google it.

From: RS Taylor 
To: Me
Sent: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 6:37:13 PM

I'm not the dude but I'd love to read your foot blog. Lol.
OK - right - so is it cool to insult me like this via the medium of the internet?  Well, the answer's no in my case.   Why the hell this bloke felt the need to contact me via a completely separate advert is beyond me - was he lonely?  Did he feel empowered by insulting a woman with the internet?  Did it make him feel like a man?  Whoopie do.  

All I will say is this: although some aspects of this blog could be seen as 'sexualised' in my opinion, I've always crafted it to work on multiple levels - i.e. people can read it/look at the pictures if they find feet aesthetically pleasing or a woman who suffers, as I do, from having big feet in a world populated by manufacturers/fashionistas who truly believe that fashion stops at a size 41.  I think, on the whole, that I've been able to achieve this goal.  Therefore, I'll say this - I like feedback, constructive or otherwise, but I won't be insulted.  If this kind of behaviour continues I'll have no option other than to make this blog 'author: read only' again and that would be a bit disappointing for a number of regular readers, wouldn't it?

Rant over: as you were.  
Post script - the term 'LOL' puts my teeth on edge in the same way fingers scraped across a blackboard does so take my advice, don't use it.

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