Sunday 7 April 2013

Sunday: Footsies (not of the 500 kind!)

Today I'm talking about footsies and by that I don't mean the Financial Times Share Index (a nice joke for all of you finance bods out there!) or indeed the naughty thing which ladies or indeed, gay men, do under a dinner table.  Actually, I'm not sure if I could do that as I'm not very nimble - perhaps I need to practice?  Talking about the FT, the strangest people seem to read it, well, they do at work anyway - there was once this rather Margaret Rutherfordesque posh woman at work who insisted on reading the pink paper instead of doing any actual work.  Also, The Duke has purchased the weekend edition at various times, but the magazine's contents have to be seen to believed - we don't all own ski lodges in Aspen you know!  I do, however, wear diamonds to my local greasy spoon on a semi-regular basis, but that's just me, I like excessive formality at all times, as regular readers are probably aware.

So, herewith a picture of me wearing the nylon hosiery product popularly known as 'footsies' - M&S used to sell two sizes: 3-5 and 6-8 and I, for one, am glad that they did because any 'one size fits all' is actually a fallacy as it never fits me, but the larger size tends to hold up well.  So, what's the point of them huh?  Well, they're to stop shoes chafing, slipping and generally causing blisters during the summer months.  Although they're supposed to be invisible, they rarely are, but there you go.  They also have a nasty habit of 'pinging off' when I'm walking to the station, which causes the bloody things to ruck up under the arch of my foot.  Hence, why I don't tend to wear them a great deal.

I have also pictured them without the benefit of a foot changing their shape.  I think that they're a cousin of the wonderful pop sock - for the uninitiated they are a nylon knee length sock-like thing which means that you can wear a pair of formal shoes with trousers without the need for a full length pair of tights (pantyhose for the benefit of my American readership...)  There are also things called 'trouser socks' which are basically an ankle sock version of the same.  I seem to recall one of my relatives wearing a pair of pop socks and a skirt which barely covered the tops, thus revealing hairy legs - bleeurrghh!  Apologies, I really shouldn't be writing this as it's every woman's right to remove as much, or indeed as little hair as possible, but I don't really like the feel of hairy legs, but that's my personal preference. 

Actually, when we're on the subject of all things nylon - I was watching the peerless Sexcetera on one of the Sky channels the other day and there was a special report about the tights/pantyhose fetish which a huge number of men across the globe seem to share.  Apparently there's a studio in the US which only produces such content for the DVD market, fair enough - it seems harmless enough and you know me, I don't judge.

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