Monday 1 April 2013

Easter Monday: BBC Radio 4 - Foot Notes

For those not in the UK or indeed not around and listening to BBC Radio 4 on a Thursday morning, I thought I'd share details of this amazing programme with you which will expire in a couple of days, but here's a link anyway:

For those not quick enough off of the mark, it's a great programme, hosted and written by the former editor of The Erotic Review, Rowan Pelling and explains her love of shoes through to anything foot and indeed footwear related.  Herewith my rough summary, which is pretty much expressed in order of how I recall it, despite the fact that I've just listened to it (goldfish have nothing on me....)

Most women like shoes and tend to own quite a few pairs.  Despite being merely a foot covering, the humble shoe has transformed the way we think about our feet, although we all seem to have pairs that we adore, despite them being too big/small/uncomfortable etc.  Red shoes denote passion, exuberance and sexual interest when worn by females, especially for dancing - the case in point is Hans Christian Andersen's The Red Shoes which was made famously into a classic film starring ballerina Moira Shearer.  Personally, I adore red shoes and can't get enough of them, so what does that say about me, huh?

Walking incorrectly in shoes can cause no end of problems from the mundane: corns, bunions etc, right through to serious conditions such as a foot ulcer which is exascerbated by other existing conditions such as Diabetes.  There are special courses devoted to teach students how to walk in heels and apparently the knack is utilising your bottom/gluteal muscles (hence the wiggle?)

There was also a mention of the shoe museum in Northampton which was the former base of the cobbling industry many moons ago.  Of course, the film Kinky Boots was set there and they interviewed the real life factory owner whose story inspired the film, but sadly, like many factories in Britain, his company has gone bust and he's now working as a firefighter.  I thought the idea of re-fashioning and indeed re-engineering a pair of heels to fit a 15 stone man with size 12 feet was fascinating and reminded me to re-rent the film.

Finally, Rowan Pelling mentioned her deep love of brogues and I do too, despite me not owning a pair.  I'm very keen on this pair from Clarks, especially in black patent leather.  Oh I love a bit of a shiny leather, I really do - perhaps I'm a bit kinky like that? 

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