Saturday 30 March 2013

Easter Saturday: The Duchess on The Duchess

Happy Easter!  As an egg-exlent treat, here's an interview with my good self, including an awful lot of the answers various correspondents ask me for.

So, how did you get into all of this?

The answers to this are all contained within a Christmas 2012 posting - check it out:

What is it with you and an obsession with the strange aspects of life?

It's a mixture of boredom, listlessness and an obsession with the vagaries of the human condition.

WTF?  Really?  Get out more.

I fully intend to thank you.  Maybe readers can play 'Where's Wally' with my feet in the summer?  Perhaps I'll state which London postcode I'm going to be strolling through and you can see if you spot me?  Mind you, wouldn't it be funny if somebody approached a woman and said 'Duchess?', only for the poor perplexed woman to walk off, confused as hell.

Why do you like 'Commuter Crush' in The Metro and 'Missed Connections on CL?

Although in the majority of cases it's some kind of bizarre code, I don't care, I believe in serendipity.  I want to see people together, paired off and happy.  Going on the initial dates of any relationship is so exciting.  However, I say that but when I used to date blokes in the 1990s all I ever got was a man stroking my acrylic cardigan during a showing of The Shawshank Redemption and various other disappointing dates, therefore I was quite happy to be proposed to in the year 2000 (which always reminds me of the Pulp song!)

Anything else?

Well, quite a lot of this blogging is displacement activity.  Now I must get myself sorted.  Have a great Easter!

Finally, do you own those shoes pictured below and if so, why on earth are you wearing them with turquoise socks?  Are you totally barmy?

No, I was merely trying them on in New Look.  Yes, I suppose I am a bit, when I used to do Amateur Dramatics I was compared to the mighty Su Pollard on quite a few occasions.  Huh!

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