Sunday 10 March 2013

Mothering Sunday: nearly 2000 page views and laying bare my sole(s)

Well it's Mothering Sunday and both The Duke and The Earl have been amazing today: lavishing me with gifts, breakfast in bed, magazines and the like.  Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be allowed enough time to watch the French film I've rented (no, before you ask, it's not a rude one!) but that's par for the course really.

I am seriously impressed how many page views I'm receiving since the CL ad and yes, it's very nice indeed.  I have had a couple of requests for pics of my soles, so here goes.  As you're probably aware, I have to take all the pictures myself, so some angles are a bit trickier than others:

Not sure if I'm so enamoured by the bottom of my feet, which quite frankly look quite male to me.

The right ones a bit lumpier - wearing Birkenstocks during the summer months causes a ridge of hard skin to appear between my big and second toes.  It's not painful but it's caused by the raised footbed on Birkies rubbing against the ball of my foot.

Right, have a good day and don't do anything I wouldn't (er, that leaves you with a myriad of possibilities, but please remember that you'll have to explain yourself to the staff in A&E if you go too wild...)


  1. In what sense do you regard the soles of your feet as masculine? I think they're very pretty-looking. In any case, lots of men have lovely feet, in my, admittedly skewed, opinion.

  2. Awhh thanks. I think that it's just the sheer size of my feet which make them seem manly. That's why I always keep my toenails painted, even during the long winter months.

  3. Well, I think larger feet are tip top, male or female. Though I'm sure it presents challenges in the arena of shoe shopping.

  4. Ah, then you would have loved my late granddad - a whacking size 12, which for a man born back in 1920, was pretty much never heard of. Yes, getting proper shoes is a total 'mare and the fact that some manufacturers seem to call an EU42 a UK9 is a PITA. Maybe Brexit will alter this? I'm sure that it's high on Mrs May's agenda anyway.

    1. Yes, the standardisation of shoe sizes is undoubtedly the dream of every good Brexiteer. At least, we'll take back control of our shoes.

      Cripes. Size 12s. How lovely. A family of big-footed sorts, eh?

  5. Rule Britannia. I am not in favour of Brexit though ...

    We sure take up a lot of foot space.

    1. Nor am I. In fact, I will be donning my broken Doc Martebs for the Peoples Vote march this weekend.

  6. But ... what if it rains? I'm worried about the potential of trench foot.

    1. Yikes. I'd best bring my nationalist-bashing brolly and a couple of Aldi bags.
