Wednesday 20 March 2013

Wednesday: new leopard print heels

Yes, you read it right, I've bought another pair of animal print shoes.  Are you obsessed you may ask?  Er, most likely.  I just wanted a pair to wear whilst dressing up.  I won't elaborate further if that's ok?

Where did you buy them from you may ask?  Well, Asda.  Not the chosen destination you may think for quality footwear but bizarrely they sell a size 9/43 and best of all, it fits (take note oh skimpy Next shoes!)

I think that it would be somewhat impolite not to show you the detailing on the back which consists of a non-functioning zip and some gilt studs.  You'll also notice my nails which are painted a splendid shade of blue - a Boots No7 hue if you please, as per some of my foot pics in earlier blog posts. 

I have been wearing the shoes around the house and find them very wobbly to walk in because I'm not used to pointy heels and they make me sway somewhat.  Obviously I wouldn't wear them for commuting, but I like the shape and definition they give to my calves, as all heels do, that's why women wear them.  Also, there's the instinctive wiggle they promote too.  Oh what fun!  Sometimes I think I'd like to wear heels and stockings on the tube, but it's far too cold and I bet they'd fall down anyway!

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