Monday 11 March 2013

Monday: 2000 page views, 50 posts + platform five inch heels

Grr!  Snow - again!  It's March FFS - what on earth have we all done to illicit the rage of the Weather Gods?  That's the Weather Gods, not the Weather Girls, one of whom is no longer with us, but blimey what voices and that video for It's Raining Men - which featured blokes sporting umbrellas, trench coats and erm, red Speedos....

I went into a shoe shop today, one which sells a very limited stock of size 9s and 10s for women (or cross dressers!) and decided to try on a pair of five inchers.  I was amazed how comfortable they were and am guessing that's because of the great whacking platform on them.  Anyway, I took the liberty of taking a few pics with my camera phone and I hope you like them.  The fact that I'm wearing thick sports socks in some shots is a bit odd, I agree and I wouldn't suggest this look to anybody sane!

I think you'll agree that they're quite stylish and at £19.99 not too pricey, however they're synthetic and as such, would 'draw' the feet.  I may go back and purchase them at some point because I could wear them during my, uh-hum, 'dressing up' phases at home.  Actually, it's a fairly scary look (if you're into that kind of thing...) because I am over 6ft in these babies.  Yikes!

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