Friday 31 May 2013

Friday: 7 denier appearance illusion tights

Yesterday I attended an event which I needed to dress up for, hat and all. Of course, I'd love to share the details with you, my internet public, but I cannot, more's the pity.  Anyway, as I understand it, your interest really centres around tights and feet doesn't it?  OK, well you're well-served anyway.  I wore a pair of M&S 7 denier appearance illusion tights as they went with my Boden Amalfi dress so much better than clunky opaques, but unlike their thicker friends, they weren't particularly comfortable, despite being a size XL.  They reminded me of the thinner tan and barely black nylons I used to wear when I started work, many many years ago - i.e. they were never long enough and the top seams used to chafe my inner thighs accordingly.  Perhaps you think that that would be arousing?  Well, no it's not particularly.

So, here they are - fresh out of the packet and raring to go.  At about 1pm I was enjoying a pre-drink with my husband, The Duke, and retired to the ladies - I pulled up the aforementioned hosiery and lo and behold, a huge ladder appeared! Argggghhh!  Luckily, being skin coloured it wasn't too obvious.

It rained yesterday, more's the pity and I did worry that the back of my legs would get mud splatters from walking on grass - they didn't though.  Talking of such things, quite a few of the ladies wore spiked or stiletto heels, which sunk into the sodden earth.  Some of them sported high wedges which, when allied with a substantial platform, always look like the wearer has hooves or suchlike.  Call me boring (you, never!) but I chose to wear my red patent Clarks mary jane wedges, as they're both comfortable and functional.  I realised that I'd be on my feet for the majority of the afternoon and shod myself accordingly.  I swear that I'm sounding more and more like my mother as the years roll on.

One of my colleagues didn't know what patent leather was?  Really?  Apparently not, but as I've previously discussed, I love the stuff.  Yum, shiny shiny!

Friday 24 May 2013

Friday - La Douleur Exquise

Sometimes, as in the song I'm wicked and I'm lazy (is no-one going to save me?) - ergo, I didn't rise until 9:45, ate a breakfast cooked by The Duke (that's my husband I'm referring to, not John Wayne!) then watched four Sex and The City (SATC) episodes back to back, showered and here I am, typing away.  One of the SATC shows was entitled La Douleur Exquise which concerned the girls attending the opening of an S&M restaurant and doing other kinky stuff, well in my opinion most of it was pretty vanilla, but Charlotte's encounter with Buster, the proprietor of an upscale shoe shop was the most interesting, especially as she was gifted free shoes in exchange for letting him fondle her feet!  Personally I wouldn't have an issue with that, but as the majority of shoe shops don't stock my size I very much doubt I'd be allowed such an indulgence.

Oh, my feet - yes, you like pictures don't you?  Right - herewith two shots of them for your delectation.  As you can see the minty green polish looks very summery indeed but the huge problem is that there's very little warmth to be enjoyed out there, hence they've been shoved into shoes and the toenail polish has suffered as a result.

You'll see a few marks on this picture taken today - the Birki mules have rubbed my left foot rather badly and you wouldn't really wish to see the soles as they're all sore and bumpy.  I was reading in this week's Stylist Magazine (a London free sheet aimed at commuters) that the famous podiatrist Margaret Dabbs doesn't allow feet to be soaked prior to a pedicure as it masks any issues which may lie dormant, ditto she says that using pumice stones are a bad idea as dry foot files are much more effective.  Couple that to a story about nasty fungi being found on the sole of the foot and between the toes and you've got yourself a mini health hazard. 

Friday 17 May 2013

Friday: Fishnet Stockings and Minty Toenails

Firstly, a huge apology for not writing for a while - what can I say?  I have been busy and my feet have taken a back seat - that's not a literal thing by the way, how could they?  They are quite sore though and slightly swollen, I think it's because I tend to wear different shoes all of the time and I cannot wear my Birkies at the moment because it's too darn cold!  Anyway, the latest news in my strange world of hosiery and shoes is that I wore a pair of fishnet hold-ups to a party last night and was rather worried that they'd fall down on the tube journey there, but luckily they didn't!  They're Ann Summers L/XL fishnet hold-ups and they even stood up to a huge sprint for the bus later on in the evening.  Hopefully they're still on 3-for-2 and yes, I've just checked and indeed they are!

My toenails are painted in the green colour I referred to in an earlier blog post.  For those with a huge interest in nail polish hues, here's a closer shot, although you'll notice that I've cut out the rest of my foot because they're looking awful in my opinion at the moment - really red and swollen :(  Poor old feet....they closely resemble something out of The Chamber of Horrors!  Eek.

Friday 10 May 2013

Friday: New Nail Polishes and Aching Feet

Sorry, I haven't written in a while have I?  How remiss of me, but I have been a busy bee sorting out this, that and definitely the other.  I am sitting here typing this blog and my poor feet are aching - I think this is a direct result of always wearing different shoes out and about but my left foot is really playing up.  Nail varnish - right - well, Boots Number 7 are offering their regular '£3 off make up if you spend £5 in store' voucher (which used to be £5 off voucher fact fans - bloody recession!) so I purchased two brand spanking new varnishes to adorn my finger and toe nails, here they are:

The flash has made the colours appear a little bleached out but the pot on the left is called 'minty fresh' and the one on the right, 'salsa'.  I will pedicure my toenails on Sunday afternoon as they're a bit chipped and nasty at the moment and hopefully this wind and rain will disappear and leave only sandalesque weather?  Who knows?  Have we all displeased the Weather Gods?

Right, I must log off in a minute and tidy the drawing room/lounge/front room/parlour (whatever it's called!)  Armed with some polish, a duster, the Dyson and my new Bissell steam mop I've no doubt that it'll be sparking before long.  I think I'll also listen to a Frank Skinner podcast, just because I can really.  Hurrah.  Life's huge fun isn't it?  I think taking The Earl to his optician's appointment this afternoon will really send me over the edge.  Huh. 

Saturday 4 May 2013

Saturday: Fetish Meets the High Street?

It's another UK Bank Holiday Weekend and thoughts turn to shopping.  Er, do they?  Well for me they do anyway.  I was strolling through London's Covent Garden the other day, en route to my choir rehearsal and tarried a little to window shop and here's a few highlights:

Now, don't you think that these shoes and boots are slightly fetishy?  I do - it's the studs.  Do you also recall when Victoria Beckham sported a pair of wedge trainers on a sports field many years ago and she was dismissed as being a fashion victim?  Well, I bet she's laughing now (hopefully, although being constantly hungry causes the body to slip into deep depression so I've read....)

I then went into the Dr Martens shop and spied these lovelies - oohh, metallic and spiky!  Yum!  They retailed at about £200 though which is top dollar.  I doubt they'd go up to my size either, but that's both a blessing and a curse for my bank account anyway.  I bet they'd be dead comfy though, unlike high heeled shoes.  Sigh.