Saturday 4 May 2013

Saturday: Fetish Meets the High Street?

It's another UK Bank Holiday Weekend and thoughts turn to shopping.  Er, do they?  Well for me they do anyway.  I was strolling through London's Covent Garden the other day, en route to my choir rehearsal and tarried a little to window shop and here's a few highlights:

Now, don't you think that these shoes and boots are slightly fetishy?  I do - it's the studs.  Do you also recall when Victoria Beckham sported a pair of wedge trainers on a sports field many years ago and she was dismissed as being a fashion victim?  Well, I bet she's laughing now (hopefully, although being constantly hungry causes the body to slip into deep depression so I've read....)

I then went into the Dr Martens shop and spied these lovelies - oohh, metallic and spiky!  Yum!  They retailed at about £200 though which is top dollar.  I doubt they'd go up to my size either, but that's both a blessing and a curse for my bank account anyway.  I bet they'd be dead comfy though, unlike high heeled shoes.  Sigh.

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