Friday 24 May 2013

Friday - La Douleur Exquise

Sometimes, as in the song I'm wicked and I'm lazy (is no-one going to save me?) - ergo, I didn't rise until 9:45, ate a breakfast cooked by The Duke (that's my husband I'm referring to, not John Wayne!) then watched four Sex and The City (SATC) episodes back to back, showered and here I am, typing away.  One of the SATC shows was entitled La Douleur Exquise which concerned the girls attending the opening of an S&M restaurant and doing other kinky stuff, well in my opinion most of it was pretty vanilla, but Charlotte's encounter with Buster, the proprietor of an upscale shoe shop was the most interesting, especially as she was gifted free shoes in exchange for letting him fondle her feet!  Personally I wouldn't have an issue with that, but as the majority of shoe shops don't stock my size I very much doubt I'd be allowed such an indulgence.

Oh, my feet - yes, you like pictures don't you?  Right - herewith two shots of them for your delectation.  As you can see the minty green polish looks very summery indeed but the huge problem is that there's very little warmth to be enjoyed out there, hence they've been shoved into shoes and the toenail polish has suffered as a result.

You'll see a few marks on this picture taken today - the Birki mules have rubbed my left foot rather badly and you wouldn't really wish to see the soles as they're all sore and bumpy.  I was reading in this week's Stylist Magazine (a London free sheet aimed at commuters) that the famous podiatrist Margaret Dabbs doesn't allow feet to be soaked prior to a pedicure as it masks any issues which may lie dormant, ditto she says that using pumice stones are a bad idea as dry foot files are much more effective.  Couple that to a story about nasty fungi being found on the sole of the foot and between the toes and you've got yourself a mini health hazard. 

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