Friday 10 May 2013

Friday: New Nail Polishes and Aching Feet

Sorry, I haven't written in a while have I?  How remiss of me, but I have been a busy bee sorting out this, that and definitely the other.  I am sitting here typing this blog and my poor feet are aching - I think this is a direct result of always wearing different shoes out and about but my left foot is really playing up.  Nail varnish - right - well, Boots Number 7 are offering their regular '£3 off make up if you spend £5 in store' voucher (which used to be £5 off voucher fact fans - bloody recession!) so I purchased two brand spanking new varnishes to adorn my finger and toe nails, here they are:

The flash has made the colours appear a little bleached out but the pot on the left is called 'minty fresh' and the one on the right, 'salsa'.  I will pedicure my toenails on Sunday afternoon as they're a bit chipped and nasty at the moment and hopefully this wind and rain will disappear and leave only sandalesque weather?  Who knows?  Have we all displeased the Weather Gods?

Right, I must log off in a minute and tidy the drawing room/lounge/front room/parlour (whatever it's called!)  Armed with some polish, a duster, the Dyson and my new Bissell steam mop I've no doubt that it'll be sparking before long.  I think I'll also listen to a Frank Skinner podcast, just because I can really.  Hurrah.  Life's huge fun isn't it?  I think taking The Earl to his optician's appointment this afternoon will really send me over the edge.  Huh. 

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