Wednesday 25 December 2013

Wednesday, 25th December 2013: Christmas Day

Yes, another year has passed and it's Christmas Day once again.  The Earl has just opened his presents and declared the Mario game we bought him for the Wii as the best gift and I'm currently setting up my new Nike+ fuel band.  It's rather snazzy so I look forward to counting the sheer amount of activity I'm planning in the coming months.  I bought The Duke a selection of CDs and books and he seems very happy, especially with the Viz album.

I normally do a bit of a Q&A session at such times, but I think regular readers will already be more than aware of my motivation, so I'll just take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and upload a picture of my splendid toes - they're wearing a Nail Inc colour I received free as a result of purchasing a tube of Colgate toothpaste.

Oh well, that's about it for now - have a good one and don't eat too much turkey!

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