Monday 29 October 2018

Half A Pint Of Sweat ...

... is apparently excreted by human feet on a daily basis. How do I know this? Well, I've got the QVC Style Channel burbling around in the background, a bit like tropical fish, but without the hassle. It's the Clarks Shoes show, but it's rare to see them flogging size 9s on there.


  1. Is that per foot or per pair of feet, I wonder?

  2. Ooh, tough one; I'd personally wager per pair of feet, but that's just my guesstimate. I am getting a little tired of the QVC presenters suggesting that boots can be worn without socks - yuck!

  3. What a reckless act of disinformation. It's clearly an awful idea (and I say this as someone with something as a penchant for sweaty feet).

  4. Now you'd think that there'd be a QVC accredited university course for those whose main ambition in life was to flog things on TV, wouldn't you. If I were a producer, then I'd give all of the presenters a quarterly appraisal to ensure clarity of content.
