Tuesday 16 October 2018

Vibrating Feet

To combat my increasingly middle-aged wibble wobble I bought this home exercise vibration plate from Amazon.

Here it is, in action, from the calf downwards. I fear that the sight of my undulating fat cells may break the Internet.


  1. The blue tooth music player is a nifty feature. Do you have any choice grooves to vibrate along to?

  2. The plasticky rubbery nobbles were a tad hard. I plan to wear trainers in future.

  3. I must admit that I've yet to set it up. We already have a Google Home device in the room so I tend to use that instead.

  4. What weird, Jetsons-style homes of tomorrow our houses are becoming. We'll all have robot butlers by next Christmas.

  5. Now that would be great. I used to work on future tech solutions, but they all sounded too bizarre to be true. I do, however, have it on good authority that each BT employee is permitted a fortnight's holiday in Atlantis per annum.

  6. I hear it's a little wet there this time of year. I've no clue about the world of gadgetry. I'm a millennial Luddite.

  7. It is indeed, but they supply fully branded wetsuits, Oxygen tanks and all of that jazz. You can also watch BT Sport at 50 fathoms deep and additionally whilst reclining on Davy Jones's Locker.
