Sunday 13 January 2013

Sunday: muddy biker boots and thoughts of snow

Apparently it's going to snow: the temperature's plummeted and the Duke's gone out and purchased a snow shovel from Asda so it must be serious.  The UK doesn't really cope with snowfall really well - they always tend to run out of grit and the roads become blocked as a result.  Personally my train company (that's the train service I use to commute to work on, I don't own my own railway service - this isn't the Island of Sodor!) tends to screw up at the first frosty moment, so getting stuck in London isn't really my thing, esp when one has a child languishing at school. 

We went for our weekly walk to the woods today: it's still very muddy underfoot and I wore my old biker boots as a result and have pictured them below, just in case some readers find mud caked boots exciting in any way.  Maybe you do, I personally don't judge. 

I was watching the ever-so-slightly rubbish Seeking a Friend for The End of the World which stars the svelte Brit Keira Knightly and noticed that she was wearing battered old Converse for the majority of the film and that her feet looked enormous in them.  Wondering just how big her plates were and as a result, Googling her I found a link to wikifeet: which I've no doubt most of you must have looked at for toe related amusement.  It's strange how many blokes appear to dislike big feet on women, actually scratch that, it's not really is it?  Cinderella and all that.    Bah!

Friday 11 January 2013

Friday: hair, eyebrows and shiny patent red shoes!

Yes, I know that I don't write a great deal these days and I'm truly sorry but it's all part and parcel with choosing such a niche subject for discursive mutterings.  Anyway, today I dropped my son off at school, did a walking circuit of the borough's largest park and moseyed on to the hairdressers.  I always like sitting in such places and often feel quite self-conscious - I suppose it's because I've never been comfortable with the idea of beauty and all that lark - quite a few girls in my school went onto become hairdressers and beauticians (not doctors, lawyers and architects like the grammar school contingent - grr!) and it feels like I'm back in the 80s again.  There were two girls sitting in there - one having her hair done and the other, her friend, waiting for her.  They discussed where they were planning to go for a night out and one said that they couldn't abide a particular club because somebody urinated in the corner one night(!)  Lovely.

Right, hair done and it's onto eyebrows in another salon.  The place I go to is odd, but cheap - £3 compared to a whacking £7 in the main shopping centre, so being a bit of a meanie I tend to go there instead.  This morning I particularly enjoyed the soundtrack which was a pan pipe version of Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On - which was hauntingly beautiful; it was swiftly followed by Unchained Melody, which was a treat.  Perhaps I should have signed up for their 'full body wax' which was on special offer at £30 and included legs, arms, bikini line and any other hairy areas which occur naturally on the human body.  Just imagine how sore you'd be after that?

Shoes?  Oh yeah right - I do have a new pair to share with my audience and they're the red patent version of my favourite asymmetric mary jane style from the mighty Clarks, namely Finnis.  I think they're a bit like Dorothy's ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz, but I doubt Judy Garland sported a size 9!  I am wearing them now and yes, I agree, I wouldn't team them with turquoise socks either, but I'm only mooching around the house in them.

So, finally - how's the fitness thing going?  Well, it's ok really, although I have continued to disappoint the WiiFit by failing to lose any weight so far.  My legs and arms are toning up rather nicely and I've some rather splendid definition going on.  Actually, I purchased a new fitness game for the Wii and I'll try it out later.  Incidentally, whilst out and about today I lost count of how many people I saw jogging - it must be a new year's resolution/January thing.  One petite woman wearing only a hoodie, a brief baby blue pair of jersey 'Juicy Coutureseque' shorts and a pair of trainers, had a very round rear end but teaming it with bright red legs caused by the cold isn't a look I'd particularly like to sport.  Saying that, her bottom was very pleasing indeed and if I was a man I'd probably take up running just to keep up with her. 

Sunday 6 January 2013

Sunday: Writers' Block

I must confess that I'm getting a serious case of writers' block here because my subject material is so scarce - i.e. I think I've almost exhausted all of my shoe/boot/flipflop/sandal collection for the time being - well, until the spring/summer anyway.  As this is the case I may take a break from writing about all things podiatric and try and pen some other blogs instead, which will talk about other stuff which interests me.  However, if I'm successful in my bid for a pair of shoes on eBay later on or I purchase some new footwear I'll undoubtedly write about it.

I bet many of you wonder what I look like don't you?  Well, ponder no more because here's a picture of me, well shown in gingerbread form anyway.  Curiousity sated - I think so!   However I must point out that my legs aren't usually that spread on a daily basis....enjoy. 

Monday 31 December 2012

New Year's Eve: WiiFit and Support Bandages

Well, 2012 is nearly at an end and are you looking forward to 2013?  Well, yes I am, I've made my New Year's Resolutions and boy aren't they tough?  You'll forgive me if I don't share them with you, but they're rather personal and this is the interweb after all.

As you can imagine, top of most people's lists is the desire to get fit and remain so.  We bought a WiiFit this year: ostensibly for my son but mainly as a family present - yes, I know the system's been around since 2008 and it's now 'old hat' compared to the shiny new WiiU but not being one who buckles to trends, I have held off buying a games console for many years now.  Most of you will be aware of the range of games and activities on the WiiFit system, so I won't bore you with them but suffice to say that it's very addictive and my current personal faves are rhythm boxing and step aerobics.  The only issue is that you can't wear trainers to use the system because it may damage the balance board, so I think I've slightly jarred my left foot as a result and am having to strap it up as demonstrated in the picture below:

Some people get aroused by bandages don't they?  I guess that they're the same folks who like their partners to wear latex gloves whilst touching them.  It's a free world I suppose.

Finally, let's talk sports bras - an essential part of any woman's work out gear, especially if the female in question is busty.  I bought this one in the M&S sale, so I didn't pay the full amount on the ticket.  It's very tight but I've no doubt that it'll pay dividends in ensuring that my bust doesn't graze me knees in the medium to long term!

Finally I would like to wish all of my readers a Happy New Year - hopefully I'll have enough material to write more entries in 2013.

Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas, Festive Tootsies & and an interview with the Duchess

"It's Chrissssttttmmmmasss!" as the venerable Sir Noddy Holder once sang and yes indeed, it is.  2012 is drawing to a close and our thoughts turn to eating turkey, pulling crackers and generally drinking before lunchtime.  What are you all up to?  Mine's a quiet one and is being spent with the Duke, the Earl and the dowager Duke and Duchess - i.e. my parents.

I thought I'd enclose a snap of my latest pedicure - my toenails are adorned with Boots Number 7 'vivid violet' shade and I think you'll agree, it's both festive and fun.  You'll also, no doubt be impressed by seeing the bottom of my pyjama trousers - oooohhhh!   Lovely.

The Duchess on Feet: a festive interview

Q: So, what is it with you and your feet?
A: I guess it's because they're not conventionally attractive - i.e. they're far larger than the majority of women's in the UK where I believe that the average size is about 5 or 6.  The Grimms' Fairy Tale Cinderella has a lot to answer for, especially the original version where both of the Ugly Sisters mutilate their feet to fit into the heroine's tiny glass slipper.  Does this mean that women who sport a larger foot are deemed unattractive?  Yeah, probably.

Q: Have you ever dated anyone with smaller feet than yourself?
A: Yes indeed, I once 'walked out' (how I love that term!) with a gentlemen who had size 7 feet (eek!) - I must admit, along with a short stature, small hands and feet on men are pretty much a turn off for me.  My husband, the Duke has a sturdy size 11 which is perfect.

Q: Have you ever received any negative comments about the size of your feet?
A: I have on a few occasions, yes.  I seem to recall taking part in a trampoline lesson at school where we had to just wear socks and some of the other girls took the mickey somewhat.  I was always gutted that I couldn't purchase fashionable shoes from shops such as Dolcis and instead had to buy Hush Puppies instead. 

Q: You're a huge fan of Birkenstocks - what attracted you to the teutonic comfort sandal?
A: I once owned a Next copy of the footbed style sandal and really liked those but read that Birkies are the real deal.  The first pair I bought from Amazon was a three strap Florida style in a beige colour called 'ice' and they were immediately comfortable.  I wore them to death for about three years but adored them.  The next purchase was a silver pair of single strap Madrid and then the toe post brown Mayari.  I recall reading reviews of the shoes on the web; clearly I am a complete sad case!

Q: Do you have any other comments?
A: I enjoy writing the blog and am always impressed when I receive hits from across the globe.  Sometimes I'm not sure whether it's just people looking at the pictures and ignoring the text, but hey ho!

Friday 21 December 2012

Friday: new Adidas Samba and stocking woes!

It's starting to feel an awful lot like Christmas - well apparently that's true and if you take into consideration just how darn crowded the shops are then you'll probably agree.  Luckily I've completed the majority of my festive shopping, not that I had to do a great deal, I'm not a huge fan of buying presents for the sake of it, not because I'm mean, heaven forbid!  I'm just fed up with people trying to exchange things I've bought or just being plain ungrateful.

Regular readers will be more than aware of the problems I have with plimsoll style shoes such as Converse and Superga: mainly that the lining tends to wear out on the back of the heel which causes my socks to develop whacking great holes and leads to blisters.  Well, I have been thinking and believe that a trainer may be the answer to my prayers, as the heel lining is much thicker and as a result, more robust, so knowing my love of 'old skool' footwear I went to JD Sports and tried on some Adidas Samba suede trainers.  By happy coincidence the beige pair was on offer - £45 marked down from £57.  My husband, his Grace, The Duke likes wearing these so I thought I'd follow his lead and found them very smart indeed.  The sizing's a bit skimpy though: I tried on both the 9 and 10 and found the former a little too big and the latter far too big - perhaps I'm the Goldilocks of sports casual footwear?  Who knew?

Talking of Adidas Originals and indeed their originator, Adi Dassler, I was aware that he convened the brand and his brother invented Puma training shoes.  They both had very 'interesting' political views though.   Changing the subject swiftly from right wing politics straight back to footwear, I once owned a few pairs of Puma Mostros and loved them.  Unfortunately they were quite small fitting but they looked great.

Stocking woes: hmm - ladders, ripped stocking tops.  I'm not having a great time with them to be honest.  I am not a huge fan of 7 denier nylon - it's far too fragile for my liking.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tuesday: season's greetings and sparkly tights

'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' drones Bruce Springsteen or 'The Boss' as he's popularly known.  I don't know if you agree, but I don't really like the majority of his music and find him rather over-rated.  Fair enough, I'm entitled to my opinion and you to yours.

Yes, Christmas creeps even closer and no, I haven't finished shopping for it yet.  Tomorrow means that I can nip into town and pick up some M&S vouchers for the teachers and after school club staff - when did life get so complicated?  Without sounding like a complete fogey, this school present malarkey didn't happen in my day - I don't get presents for doing my job, do I?  I wish I did, I adore nice things, but hey ho.

You raised the notion of sparkly tights?  Oh yes, here's the picture you've no doubt been waiting for, either by pressing F5 on your laptop or refreshing your iPad, iPhone, Galaxy Tab or whatever fan-dangled thing you use to access t'internet on (other systems are available on the worldwide market...)

Yes, they're sparkly and rather fetching, but tell us, oh mighty Duchess, are they comfortable?  Well, I can categorically state that they fell down all day and I had to retire to the ladies toilet to keep re-adjusting them.  I'm pretty sure that they were M&S tights too, which as you'll no doubt be aware of from reading my blog regularly, shouldn't really do that.

Don't you just adore them teamed with bronze Clarks Finnis asymmetric mary janes?  Well, yes, they're great thanks and did I recall you saying that you've got your eye on a black patent version of these shoes on eBay?  Well remembered, I have indeed but priced at £49.99 + £5.99 P&P they're a little expensive.  Of course, I am also loving the Clarks Mauritius biker style boots though, which are pictured below but they're £69.99 + £5.50 P&P, so again, rather steep.  Blah!  I absolutely bloody love footwear, something which you may have noticed from reading this blog.