Monday 31 December 2012

New Year's Eve: WiiFit and Support Bandages

Well, 2012 is nearly at an end and are you looking forward to 2013?  Well, yes I am, I've made my New Year's Resolutions and boy aren't they tough?  You'll forgive me if I don't share them with you, but they're rather personal and this is the interweb after all.

As you can imagine, top of most people's lists is the desire to get fit and remain so.  We bought a WiiFit this year: ostensibly for my son but mainly as a family present - yes, I know the system's been around since 2008 and it's now 'old hat' compared to the shiny new WiiU but not being one who buckles to trends, I have held off buying a games console for many years now.  Most of you will be aware of the range of games and activities on the WiiFit system, so I won't bore you with them but suffice to say that it's very addictive and my current personal faves are rhythm boxing and step aerobics.  The only issue is that you can't wear trainers to use the system because it may damage the balance board, so I think I've slightly jarred my left foot as a result and am having to strap it up as demonstrated in the picture below:

Some people get aroused by bandages don't they?  I guess that they're the same folks who like their partners to wear latex gloves whilst touching them.  It's a free world I suppose.

Finally, let's talk sports bras - an essential part of any woman's work out gear, especially if the female in question is busty.  I bought this one in the M&S sale, so I didn't pay the full amount on the ticket.  It's very tight but I've no doubt that it'll pay dividends in ensuring that my bust doesn't graze me knees in the medium to long term!

Finally I would like to wish all of my readers a Happy New Year - hopefully I'll have enough material to write more entries in 2013.

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