Monday 10 December 2012

Monday: dentist, threading and musing

I often find myself meandering around the borough - well it's mostly because I don't drive and have to walk everywhere but when the sun's shining and it's a mighty 5 degrees Celsius outside who cares?  School run - check, walk to the next suburb to have a dental check up with inclusive clean, polish, x-ray and filling appointment - done.  I did notice that at least two of the glossy magazines featured the singer/philanthropist/dancer and now skincare guru, Lulu, which was obviously illuminating.  Somebody I was once on a stand-up comedy course with said that her mother had been Lulu's first manager, which was quite revealing to say the least.  Finally, onto eyebrow threading - pull, tug: done.

Here's a window display of shoes I saw whilst walking about - lovely aren't they?  You can tell that you're nearing middle age when such things appeal.  I am loving the combination of comfort, low heels and buckles - yummy! 

Right: that's me done for the day - after logging onto my work email at lunchtime and discovering that I'd not been successful at interview for a lateral transfer - yes, you're reading this right, it's not a promotion, it's merely a lateral move.  The feedback was pretty awful, rather damning and quite frankly fairly fucking useless so my services clearly aren't required.  In hindsight though I truly believe that I've had a lucky escape in the longer term.  It does make me wonder though, whether I've chosen to follow the correct career path but re-training as a crystal therapist or a hot stone healer doesn't really appeal, I'm just not that kind of person. 

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