Sunday 16 December 2012

Sunday: tights and turquoise socks

I am a blogger who checks her statistics regularly: well who wouldn't with such technological feats on offer?  What is increasingly coming clear that pictures of my long shapely legs clad in tights are proving popular in Google searches and why not indeed?  I do have to confess that I have a huge drawer of hosiery, some of which is very new, some older and much of the nylon mix is a bit bobbly and is in desperate need of a good sort out.  So Duchess, please tell us, do you wear stockings at all?  Well thanks for asking - I do own a few pairs of hold ups as they're very sexy indeed and I like the idea of a lacy stocking top but for that very reason would be a little worried about wearing them out of the house in case they fell down.  Although I do feel that a quick glimpse of such a thing would cause many men to have a coronary which would undoubtedly liven up a dull meeting if nothing else!

I am not particularly inhibited though: which is probably a combination of years of appearing in amateur dramatics productions where one is forced to change in a drafty hall and make quick adjustments in the wings whilst being elbowed out of the way by pushier cast mates.  Also my singing pastime ensures that I'm no shrinking violet.  Thinking of am dram and hold ups, I always found it amazing how quickly some women like shedding their clothes and appearing on stage clad in just their underwear.  Actually - if you're a single bloke and you don't mind spending your weekends mending flats and rigging lights, then join an am dram group - I promise you that you'll almost definitely get laid, or even to first base if that's your thing.

You're all very visual people aren't you and undoubtedly you adore a picture, so here's the image du jour - a pair of turquoise socks.  God, I do spoil you all sometimes, don't I? 

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