Sunday 25 November 2012

Boring 2012, bedsocks but no broomsticks!

I went to Boring 2012 today in east London - for the uninitiated it's an annual conference organised by the awesome James Ward in response to the cancellation of 'Interesting' back in 2010 so if my calculations are correct it's the third time it's taken place and I'm very pleased to report that I attended last year's event too.  Today's talks took a diverse trajectory - ranging from presentations on the merits of using supermarket self-service checkouts, toast, the history behind yellow lines, shop fronts and the merits of a Yamaha keyboard which had been discontinued in 2003.

It was strange sitting in the venue, York Hall in Bethnal Green, that how darn similar everybody looked.  With my trendy geeky glasses and Doc Martens diva boots you'd think I'd be unique wouldn't you, but no, it's not so.  At least my sense of humour is shared by many and for that, I'm a happy Duchess.  My hand also features in an official photograph as I was the first in the queue, sad but true!

Oh yeah, bedsocks - how could I forget?  Well, last Monday I went to Asda and purchased two pairs of fluffy bedsocks which are really synthetic and cause my feet to sweat quite a lot.  Here's a picture of me wearing them, go on, have a long hard look and then retire somewhere private to really concentrate your [dirty] minds.  They don't fit that well though - they're a little small and the heel doesn't sit where it really should :(

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