Saturday 17 November 2012

Saturday: Nike Sanyassi and guitar lessons

Hurrah, another grey day in the UK - what's the weather like where you are in the world?  Better hopefully.  Actually I do look at my stats relating to the readership of this blog and notice that I'm receiving hits from the US and Germany as well as good old Blighty.  Here's hoping that you're all logging on to read my various musings instead of having a gander at the pictures of my delicious feet and shoes? 

Right, shoes: today it's the turn of my pewter Nike Sanyassis.  For those who've never heard of this style of shoe, well you'd be forgiven because they were discontinued a year or two after their launch.  They're a mary jane/ballerina style shoe which is most suited to Pilates but I tend to wear them as a casual shoe, either to commute to work before switching to heels or teamed with skinny jeans on more relaxed days.  I think I first encountered them in the Next Directory but they ran out of stock really quickly so I had to buy them from eBay in the end.  The Nike size 9.5/EU 44.5 fits me nicely but does make me moan about the sheer diversity of shoe sizing between different manufacturers - raaahhhh!  It's getting much harder to find shoes that fit properly because there are increasingly fewer physical retailers these days and as we all know buying clothing and shoes from the internet is a complete lottery and tends to end in countless hours queuing up in post offices trying to return stuff.

You mentioned your guitar lessons in the title of this email?  How are they going?  Well, firstly thank you for taking an interest, it's always welcome.  Well, slowly is the initial answer - chord changes are very tricky at the moment and however hard I try I can't seem to 'get it' so I had a word with the teacher this morning who was very encouraging and helpful.  He suggested sticking to chord pairs such as G Major and D Major and working the changes between those, so I'll be doing that.  Although it's enjoyable I don't think Jeff Beck or Eric Clapton should be worried that I'll steal their thunder though!

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