Saturday 3 November 2012

Saturday: pedicure pains - part one

I am finding that removing stubborn nail polish is taking longer and longer these days - maybe because there was base coat, two colour coats, top coat plus a crackle layer?  Who knows?  Anyway, despite me using Cutex, which is one of the premier nail varnish removers on the market, some of it wouldn't remove from the edges.  I undertook the pedicure in the usual manner, which is thus:

1) Fill large Addis bowl (the rectangular sort, the circular doesn't fit my feet) with warm water and Radox bath salts

2) Soak feet for ten minutes or so whilst periodically rubbing them down with a pumice stone to remove dead skin

3) Cut the toenails straight across with a pair of sharp nail scissors

4) Dry them off with an old, rough towel and prepare for cuticle care, buffing and finally, polish.....

Well, that's part one over anyway; part two will be written and uploaded tomorrow, well it will if my eBay sales go well or indeed sell at all.  If not, I'm throwing all of the toys out of my pram (so to speak) and am quitting to spend time doing other things for the foreseeable future.  

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