Friday 2 November 2012

Thursday/Friday: Doc Martens Elena knee high boots

I am writing this kind of retrospectively because I wore my new bright red Doc Martens Elena boots to work yesterday.  'Aren't they a bit casual for work?' you may ask and yes, you'd be right.  I can't stand wearing suits and things, I believe that they stem my creative juices, well the polyester mix probably does anyway.  I was in a high level presentation yesterday (ooh, get you!) and a senior member of staff complemented the boots, so I must be doing something correct.

As for the boots themselves, well I can say that they're very comfortable indeed - I think this is combination of the Doc Martens patented 'air wear' sole and the fact that they're very roomy.  Actually they are fairly wide and my feet aren't really, so I do rattle around a bit in them so perhaps it's time to purchase some thick socks to complement them?

Methinks it's high time for a new pedicure tomorrow which I'll photograph extracts from for your perusal and enjoyment, but being the saucy tease that I am, will only upload the pictures onto this blog if my items sell on eBay.  My two auctions end on Sunday lunchtime, so keep them in mind - my screen name is duchesseleanor, but do remember that I don't sell outside the UK. 

I'll probably undertake this laborious task whilst listening to the second half of Tony Blackburn's Pick of the Pops.  To all of those outside the UK, Mr Blackburn is a true broadcasting legend and his career spans many decades.  I adore his Saturday lunchtime radio show because he plays extracts from two music charts from different years and as you'd expect, it tends to bring back memories and long-forgotten gems.  It's one of my ambitions to get a text message or email read out by him on the show; the other, if you're interested, is to get a letter published in the acclaimed TV listings magazine Radio Times.  Yeah, I'm very sad. 

Farewell darlings xxx

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