Sunday 18 November 2012

Sunday: cleaning out my shoe containers under the bed

Yeah, it's Sunday and it's a bit frosty so thoughts turn to eradicating dust within the household, starting with some of my shoe collection which is being stored under the bed.  The proper way to store shoes, as we are all more than aware, is in their original box with a picture of the style on the front for ease of reference; these are then neatly stacked in a suitable cupboard.  Failing that, like Paloma Faith in the car crash awful but undoubtedly watchable Show Me Your Wardrobe on Sky Living, you need a purpose-built series of cupboards to house your heels in.

I've managed to unearth and dust off these shoes which I'm wearing at the moment.  I purchased them second hand from eBay a few years ago to complement the more subdued colours in my wardrobe and they're a pair of size 9/43 tan leather wedge courts.  Why don't you wear them more often you may ask and you'd of course, be right to raise this important point.  Well, they're not that comfortable to be honest and the height of the heel (2.5 inches) means that my toes slip down and bang against the front of the shoe; I was also walking to the station once and they nearly slipped off due to the reduced traction of my tights.  Huh!  They are a pair that I'll probably store in my locker at work for wearing during important meetings(!)  Surely I'm important enough to qualify for a ride in a Sedan Chair?

As I'm typing this, I'm momentarily pausing to state out towards the garden, a suburban oasis dappled with winter sunshine hitting my somewhat dilapidated shed.  It's my opinion that all men should be allowed a shed - my stepfather always had one whilst I was growing up, as did my grandfather.  I'm very much in favour of them - blokes like to carry out a bit of light engineering and wood carving in their spare time.  Sheds: more please!


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