Monday 4 February 2013

Monday: historical shoes compared to fetish stilettos

Last week myself and the Duke went to the London Museum of Textile and Fashion: it is situated in an area of London (SE1) which is being dug up as part of the project to enlarge London Bridge Station and to incorporate Crossrail, so as you can imagine, it was difficult to locate the museum, but I'm glad to say that we did.  There was an exhibition of the work of Hardy Amies and Norman Hartnell who provided the present Queen with her selection of splendid outfits.  Quite frankly, even for the day I found many of his designs a little frumpy and was interested to note that Diana, Princess of Wales didn't end up wearing a rather boxy blue suit which would have probably suited Margaret Thatcher a little better.

Anyway: shoes - I took the liberty of photographing the display of evening shoes for your delight, which are pictured below:

I cannot say that I'm particularly enamoured with either pair - are you?  Ditto below really....zzzzzz

Later on in the day we ventured into the Bond Street/Oxford Street branch of Next and had a browse in their basement shoe department.  I was particularly taken with a sparkly pair of high heeled peep toe courts but of course, they aren't particularly suited to my lifestyle.  However, I did note these faux patent leather platform stilettos which, in my opinion, bordered onto the fetish scene because I cannot imagine how anyone can walk in a five inch heel?

I know that the majority of men find them sexy, but I would wobble about like an enormous jelly in them!  Just imagine them juxtaposed with my new Birkie clogs - now that would be worth seeing....  Talking of stilettos, apparently Marilyn Monroe achieved her famous wiggle walk by lopping half an inch off of one heel - I can't think where I read this, but I guess it's true. 

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