Monday 11 February 2013

Monday: more snow but toosies are snug in bedsocks

Yes, it's snowing again in the UK but at least we're not as affected as the US at the moment.  It's very slushy out there and I wore my spotty wellies again: so nice to drag those out of the garage for an airing once more!  After the school run on foot (as usual) I am now back indoors snug inside my M&S bed socks (well, my feet are - I'd never fit the rest of me inside them) they really shouldn't be consigned to just the bedroom in my humble opinion - they're seemingly suitable for everyday wear.  Actually, it reminds me of those slipper socks you can buy, although I've never really invested in a pair because they don't make the women's ones big enough for me!

I was reading the Sunday Times Culture Magazine yesterday and noticed a review of a fiction book.  Apparently the main protagonist didn't initially like a woman because 'her feet were too big' - do you think that's a normal thing to notice when you first encounter a lady?  It's going back to my Cinderella persecution thing once more isn't it?  I bet Ana, the love interest in Fifty Shades of Grey takes a dainty size four doesn't she?  Most heroines in romantic/erotic fiction are tiny and have tiny bone structures, akin to a bird's.  Lovely.  So do I, if indeed that bird was the mighty albatross!

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