Friday 19 October 2012

A day for long boots...

Today it is a little dank, misty and wet outside so it was on with the skinny jeans and knee high wedge boots which I'm sporting in the photograph.  The humble two inch wedge is my favourite heel - it's comfortable to wear, durable and brings my height up to a whopping five foot eleven, which is nice.  It's such a shame that these beauties are wearing out and due to the rubbery nature of their sole, cannot be re-heeled.  Sigh!

The free listings weekend on eBay makes me ponder whether to sell my smelly old fake uggs or not?  On the positive side I could flog them and buy a new pair with the proceeds or keep them a little longer?  I just don't know.  Hopefully I'll make up my mind by Sunday :)

Thank you and goodbye xx

Thursday 18 October 2012

Thursday: Steel-capped boots, blisters, mud and moods!

I volunteered to assist with a major river's clean up this morning and boy, wasn't it squidgy?  Last night's rain sure caused a complete quagmire and I fell over twice on my rear.  I did get the resident photographer to snap the results though, which he duly did.  If you're turned on by mud though, please allow me to explain just how dense and glutenous it really was - the colour was variegated shades of black and grey and when I stuck the spade in there were a fine selection of red worms wriggling about in the dirty abyss.

Footwear wise, it was the Next biker boots which were exchanged for a pair of regulation steel toe-capped work boots (sexy!)  They were very hot to wear and made my sports socks feel very clammy indeed.  They also made my blister worse, which isn't good.  I enclose a picture of the aforementioned heel sore for your interest and information....

Until next time x

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Wednesday: pondering how worn the Duchess's shoes get

I would love to be able to combat the bad foot odour I seem to generate whilst wearing my fake Uggs - it must be the synthetic nature of them, but it sure brews an awful stink!  Also, why on earth do my shoes and boots wear out so badly in the heel area?  I attach a pic of my Next tan low boots which are completely shredded at the back, not a good look you'll agree, but guarantee this, they'll be heading eBay's way in a few weeks/months.  I think it's because I do everything on foot, but still, you'd think I was an elephant by the sheer amount of wear I'm creating.  I don't think that they make shoes and boots particularly sturdily these days.  Hence my love of Doctor Martens - well the feminine range anyway. 

Yesterday I wore a smashing pair of M&S patterned brown tights which attracted a great many compliments.  I am a fan of fancy hosiery - but mind you, who isn't?  

Monday 15 October 2012

Monday: Day - Sniffles, Russ Abbot, the benefits of longer socks and wearing fake Uggs

I shall complete a bulk amount of writing today because 1) it's my day off and I feel slightly run down with a cold and 2) I won't be able to write a great deal until the end of the week, hence the somewhat bumper edition of scribblings.  Music wise I'm accompanied by the mighty Russ Abbot, for all of those who don't know who this great man is, he and his titular 'Madhouse' were a stalwart of 1980s UK Saturday night entertainment.  Probably my favourite part of Mr Abbot's appearance was his rather lovely wig which I've no doubt would race towards a saucer of milk if one was proffered.  For all of you foot fans, apparently Mr Abbot once recorded a song entitled 'smelly feet' which I thought you'd all appreciate a mention of.

Shoe wise, I think I'll don some long socks and wear them with my fake Uggs.  I thought I'd enclose a photograph to illustrate this, just in case you haven't a clue what I'm talking about, but over the last couple of years I've been impressed by the comfort, security and streamlined look of a knee-length sock and I believe the comedian Rob Brydon agrees with this view.  In my opinion I'm a huge fan of them because my Next beige suede wedge boots tend to scrape my lower calf if I don't protect it with a lascivious mix of cotton, polyester and elastane.

Walking in Uggs, fake or not is a difficult operation - I read in last week's Sunday Times Style Magazine that worn, fake or not, they cause a phenomenon called 'Ugg Drag' - i.e. the foot isn't properly supported by the flimsy PU sole and therefore it affords the wearer a peculiar gait, which isn't sexy, I'm sure you'll agree?  I recall reading years ago that Uggs were originally invented in Australia as surfers' shoes to keep them warm after a long session on the board.  I'm sure they didn't charge £150 per pair on those days though! 

Until next time xxxx

Monday: Insomnia, milk, gerbils and my thoughts about cowboy boots

Hello all - I have been looking through my blogger stats and it's clear that I'm getting a fair amount of traffic from across the globe, so a big shout out to all of you non UK-ers out there. I do hope that you weren't too insulted by my comments on Friday - it was merely because I was being hassled by a number of people abroad when I last sold shoes on eBay.

Right, so what am I thinking about at the moment? Well, I guess it's surrounding the fact that I cannot sleep again and I'm therefore drinking skimmed milk (ugh!) and typing away in the dining room whilst my gerbils, named Monica Gellar and Rachel Green, are nibbling away on cardboard in the gerbilarium. These desert rats make great pets by the way, yes, I agree hamsters are cuter with their rounder bodies, pouches and stubby tail, but after many years of rodent husbandry I'm a huge fan of my girls.

 Shoes wise, right - I was looking on the Next website earlier for inspiration regarding cowboy boots and yes, I agree if I wore them over skinny jeans I would resemble a fatter Woody from Toy Story and I don't really own that many pairs of bootcut jeans as they're far too flappy on me. I found these: - although the only review isn't too favourable and they're £75 to boot (boom, boom!)

Good night darlings x

Sunday 14 October 2012

Sunday: a rest day for the feet, but with some animal print action thrown in!

Over the last couple of days I've been a little boring with my shoe wearing - the red Converse got an airing as did my new leopard print ballerinas, the latter of which needs wearing in before embarking on some solid pavement action. Sock wise, those 'trainer socks' are all very well, but they slip down and have to be tugged back into place which is such a foot nightmare! My fake uggs slippers are getting worse - methinks a spin in the Bosch washing machine might be in order?

At time of writing I'm wearing my PU white Birkenstock Betula flip flops which are lovely but obviously not warm enough for the plummetting temperatures out there. I do enjoy wearing my red patent Birkenstock Madrids with socks which apparently is exactly what our German cousins do - they're mostly used as house slippers out there.
Bye for now!

Friday 12 October 2012

Friday: day - blue Supergas, evening - python print boots

Yeah, I admit it - I like the attention, hence my first foray into blogging without the need to hide behind a persona, well, I suppose I am really, I'm not really a fully fledged Duchess anyway! I thought I'd share my foot, shoe, sock and hosiery in general musings with my small, but growing fan base. I must say that I'm more than delighted to do this because I've only experienced respect and admiration from the foot fan community and I adore it. The same cannot be said for our Continental Cousins who, when you state you don't post abroad get rather upset and somewhat insulting when they're rejected.... I enclose a picture of my relatively new blue Supergas - I purchased these as an alternative to my favourite plimsoll, the trusty Converse but I'm not hugely impressed so far. I did the school run on foot and also walked to the hairdressers, a round trip of some three miles or so and my poor freaky second toe on my left foot was very sore. I often experience this problem with shoes, the second toe is much longer than my big toe and hits the end of certain shoes - the worst culprits are Next who's size 9/43 has gotten much smaller over the last few years.

I am wearing my red patent Birkenstock Madrids around the house as I type: I adore these, as I do all Birkies. However, I cannot force myself to purchase a pair of their ugly shoes for use in the autumn and winter - they're too clumpy even for me. Also, how big would my feet look in a white pair of tho
se? I know that I could carry it off with my height, but I'd still look ridiculous, especially as I'm a huge fan of skinny jeans: I'd resemble a huge golf driver...(that's the sport, not the car...) I shall don my Next boots tonight for the tribute concert at my local theatre - they're three inch python print leather boots, I love them but I cannot stand for too long in them, so heaven knows how I'm supposed to survive over two hours' worth of dancing? Time will tell. Toodle pip xxx