Monday 15 October 2012

Monday: Insomnia, milk, gerbils and my thoughts about cowboy boots

Hello all - I have been looking through my blogger stats and it's clear that I'm getting a fair amount of traffic from across the globe, so a big shout out to all of you non UK-ers out there. I do hope that you weren't too insulted by my comments on Friday - it was merely because I was being hassled by a number of people abroad when I last sold shoes on eBay.

Right, so what am I thinking about at the moment? Well, I guess it's surrounding the fact that I cannot sleep again and I'm therefore drinking skimmed milk (ugh!) and typing away in the dining room whilst my gerbils, named Monica Gellar and Rachel Green, are nibbling away on cardboard in the gerbilarium. These desert rats make great pets by the way, yes, I agree hamsters are cuter with their rounder bodies, pouches and stubby tail, but after many years of rodent husbandry I'm a huge fan of my girls.

 Shoes wise, right - I was looking on the Next website earlier for inspiration regarding cowboy boots and yes, I agree if I wore them over skinny jeans I would resemble a fatter Woody from Toy Story and I don't really own that many pairs of bootcut jeans as they're far too flappy on me. I found these: - although the only review isn't too favourable and they're £75 to boot (boom, boom!)

Good night darlings x

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