Tuesday 23 October 2012

Tuesday: beige suede Next wedges, blisters and more flipping mist!

Today was a work day so I dressed in my skinny brown cords and placed my Next beige wedges on my feet as they're fairly comfortable at a two inch heel height.  I think I bought them from eBay back in 2006 - heaven knows why I recall that, I'm clearly a bone fide sad case!  Unfortunately they have rubbed the little toe on my right foot so I've photographed it for your information - also I notice that if I upload a picture of a bare foot on my blog then I tend to get more hits - strange but true.  It's quite noticeable how swollen feet get during the day - hence the need to purchase new shoes in the afternoon apparently. 

Methinks I'll carry out a pedicure in a week or two and post some pictures of that.  That will no doubt tickle some of you and I may try out a new colour - I am a huge fan of red toenails.

Until next time x

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