Sunday 14 October 2012

Sunday: a rest day for the feet, but with some animal print action thrown in!

Over the last couple of days I've been a little boring with my shoe wearing - the red Converse got an airing as did my new leopard print ballerinas, the latter of which needs wearing in before embarking on some solid pavement action. Sock wise, those 'trainer socks' are all very well, but they slip down and have to be tugged back into place which is such a foot nightmare! My fake uggs slippers are getting worse - methinks a spin in the Bosch washing machine might be in order?

At time of writing I'm wearing my PU white Birkenstock Betula flip flops which are lovely but obviously not warm enough for the plummetting temperatures out there. I do enjoy wearing my red patent Birkenstock Madrids with socks which apparently is exactly what our German cousins do - they're mostly used as house slippers out there.
Bye for now!


  1. Your use of words is exemplary, "pavement action" being a favourite quote of mine. I would like to be the pavement.

  2. You are too kind; I do love to write. I suppose if you were my pavement then my shoes would not get worn out for a good long while?

  3. Of course, I may get a little worn out, but I don't mind that ... just part of the service! Anything as long as it made your life more easy.

  4. If my life could be made easier by somebody then I would be delighted - somebody to act as housekeeper at Duchess Towers would be a godsend....
