Sunday 21 October 2012

Sunday: ballerina socks, eBaying and all that jazz

Today's subject is socks - too small ones to be precise.  I bought a set of ballerina stretchy style cotton mix socks a while ago to wear under my Nike Sanyassi but sadly they weren't really fit for purpose because my size 9 feet stretched them too much and they tended to 'ping' off and ruck around my insoles, which was very uncomfortable.  Anyway, until yesterday they languished in my sock drawer, unworn and rather unloved, but I thought I'd rescue them from their malaise and wear them under my stinky fake Uggs, but I still experienced the fall off factor plus they didn't come up far enough my heel and my blister ended up getting rubbed.  They are so pretty and girly though, I just don't want to part with them!

Therefore I took some snaps, one is attached and I'm planning to list some items on eBay as it's free listings weekend (yay!)  I do enjoy selling on there, it's enormous fun, apart from the final listing and PayPal fees which make any profit margin pretty slender.  Ho hum!

Until next time...xx

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