Sunday 28 October 2012

Sunday: Silver spangly Converse and a possible blister

Today I went to a special austim-friendly screening at my local cinema with my young son.  A big shout out to the work of the National Autistic Society, they do a fanstastic job.

Anyway, I wore my silver spangly Converse which I've owned for a while, they're great, but akin to all Converse, they do wear out hugely at the heel which is a complete pain.  They are again ruining the socks I'm wearing (knee length, pulled down to a slouch if you're interested) and causing another flipping blister!  I fear I'm cursed with all shoes in regard to excessive wear and foot rubbing.  I used to own a leather pair of silver Converse but the metallic coating on the leather started peeling away after three wearings so I had to return them, but Office Shoes were fantastic about exchanging them for a while leather pair, which is always nice.  I do wonder why I can actually buy silver spangly Converse in a size 9 as they're a unisex shoe - do blokes actually wear them?  I have seen a woman wearing them whilst presenting at last year's Boring Conference, but that's by the by and you'll soon discover that I do love a bit of metallic action going on in my life. 

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